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6 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team All That Man Is

The Crossover By TRAVIS GUMBS
6 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

All That Man Is

If you haven’t already you should most definitely check out the ‘All That Man Is – Fashion and Masculinity Now’ exhibition, curated by Chira Bardelli for Italian Vogue. The exhibition showcases a multitude of amazing contemporary photographers that have captured images of men. These powerful images are exploring the concept of masculinity by showcasing fashion and art photographers that are addressing the subject of gender and masculinity.

This exhibition is so defining as it’s challenging gender constructs, and ultimately making us ask questions like, if a man is in a dress does it make him any less of a man? (the answer is obviously no). By asking these questions we are allowing the images to show us a deeper and better understanding of contemporary society and what it means to be masculine.

Whether you’re a truck driver who likes to wear a sequin dress in his spare time, or an electrician who enjoys dancing to Toxic by Britney Spears, you are what you define yourself to be. And, don’t worry honey, we love you all the same.

The Crossover By TRAVIS GUMBS

Alonzo Strauss, from

When Harry Met Dilara  by CASPER SEJERSEN

Alton Mason in a Brooklyn park playing basketball by  MICAIAH CARTER

Adam Christensen by  BEN TOMS

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