We all have skills we have always wished to know a secret knowledge we have always been envious of lacking. Usually, the excuse to not learning this skill has always been lack of time now you have no excuse. This time can be an opportunity to learn some skills you have always wanted to know.Knitting
Although this skill seems archaic today you find that most people wish that they could knit. Knitting is said to offer the same relaxation as yoga knitting stimulates the logical part of your brain in measuring the thread requirement. Kitting also helps us have a creative release and also completing a project brings a sense of accomplishment.

Gwyneth Paltrow, @clubllondon instagram and Flavia Lucini styled by DaVian Lain
We all think we can dance until the time comes and you realise maybe you can’t dance. Now that social media is so congested with TikTok videos of dance routines you have just realised that your 2 step, side to side club dance routine doesn’t cut it. So, take time and learn a few routines and maybe join the TikTok craze.

Meditation /YogaMeditation is the practice of using a technique of breathing exercises and focusing on one thought or object. Meditation is known to reduce stress and anxiety and aids in focusing the mind. Most people have credited meditation with improvement in their sleeping patterns and increased focus.

Taken from @another__kind instagram, from @ohanaandchill and Barbie by Sophia Webster
ExerciseAlthough we all know how to exercise what we are referring to is specific exercise classes. There are different exercise classes you can take online with the equipment you have around you.

Cooking When it comes to cooking just like dancing, we all can cook the everyday rice or potatoes but when it comes to complicated dishes and cuisines not all of us cut it. Through online classes, you can learn to make more experimental dishes and also learn how to fuel your body on good healthy meals depending on your dietary requirements. Cooking can also be a creative release as you try to create new meals.

Katy Perry by Nadia Lee Cohen, Adriana Lima for W Magazine and Jessica Walsh’s Instagram
MakeupWhen applying your make up, especially if you do it every day you find yourself in the same routine using the same method and products. Now is the time to try the experimental looks, perfect that wing liner or even match your eyebrow shapes to look more like sisters than the cousins they were before.

New LanguageLearning a new language may be more of a task than the skills mentioned above but can also be fun. Speaking a foreign language has proved to be beneficial and is currently a skill that is highly sought after these days depending on the language. Apps like Duolingo assist you in learning new languages for free.
Words by Precious Njoki
Graphics by Katie Janes
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