With the first season of the zodiac, Aries, well underway, now is the perfect time to embrace new beginnings, kickstart your new era and reignite your passions. Read on to find out what the universe has in store for you this month, courtesy of Joanne Hope.
If you would like a more in depth look into what the stars hold for you, you can book a a reading here.
♈️ Aries

Spring is in the steps of the Aries this April, you can rise above any difficulties and begin to make a lot of progress now. Your career is taking shape nicely so a little patience will go a long way. For those of you with birthdays this month, you are blessed by a lucky star, make the most of this favourable time and let your light shine brighter than ever. Love will always find a way, so, the passionate Aries can indulge in a romantic time as this month is full of surprises and lots of affection.
Lucky Colour Blue
Lucky Crystal Topaz
♉️ Taurus

Brave and gorgeous is the unbeatable Taurus this month. You will stand out from the crowd and get noticed for your talents and finesse. Style is your forte so you can really show off your original flair and possibly have a career in areas that have creativity at the heart. This is a time for fate to shape you professionally and ensure that you succeed. Love has been encouraging you to spiritually connect with a partner on a deeper level and let them know your inner hopes and fears, it will bring you even closer and help you have a dream life of togetherness.
Lucky Colour White
Lucky Crystal Opal
♊️ Gemini

Use your mind, heart, and soul to guide you this month Gemini, you can remain positive as you continue to make progress and journey into unknown territory. The universe is presenting you with an opportunity to use your intuitive side in your love life and career, so you can recognise what it is you really want, and can truly achieve. Aim high. Be the one that stands up and is counted as you can realise your purpose in life through your good actions and the results they bring.
Lucky Colour Green
Lucky Crystal Emerald
♋️ Cancer

Working hard this month will bring its rewards as Lady Luck will shine her blessings to give you what you need to bring about a positive change in your financial circumstances. This alignment of being in the right place at the right time serves as the catalyst that brings everything that you hoped for. You can live your best life by activating the abundance of energy within you that has you dreaming of a love that will take you to greater heights as new romantic situations start happening that can develop a real soul connection.
Lucky Colour Yellow
Lucky Crystal Carnelian
♌️ Leo

Lucky Leo, April begins and you start to flourish in your career because of your tenacity and sheer perseverance. The fruits of your labour begin to get noticed and success is within sight. Leo’s are proud, unusually creative, and have an energy that is bold and beautiful, so self-expression is key to all of these wonderful traits. The royal lion is a cousin to Aries and also a fire-sign, April is therefore favourable to you as you can use this extra energy to embrace everything in your life- especially your love life- and really see and feel the difference it makes, it’s impressive.
Lucky Colour Pink
Lucky Crystal Diamond
♍️ Virgo

Believe and receive is your mantra this month Virgo, April proves to be advantageous to your plans and helps you to rise above any difficulties you have had in the past. ‘A new day and a new dawn’ apply to your approach in April as you start new projects, or finish off old ones, and leave behind uncertainty for a much more secure future. Love really brings out the romantic in you as affection rules your world, so look forward to a happy Easter full of happiness and joy.
Lucky Colour Blue
Lucky Crystal Sapphire
♎️ Libra

Fortunately Libra, you are in the running for a positive change, whether you are looking to change direction or job in your career, you can now look forward and know you have done enough to progress and succeed. Push the boat out and give it your all as you will truly find your inner guru is showing you the way to success. Love will be asking you to compromise this month as no one is perfect, there is a happy month ahead that restores your faith in a relationship and brings lots of good times for you to cherish too.
Lucky Colour Black
Lucky Crystal Obsidian
♏️ Scorpio

Love is in the sun, moon, and stars for you Scorpio, this month you can enjoy a much needed holiday or spend some quality time in the outdoors with your loved ones. Easter promises you peace and relaxation, no routine is necessary! Encouraging others at work to be more efficient and effective will be the order of the day as your skillset is second to none and can really make your working world better.
Lucky Colour Gold
Lucky Crystal Tigers eye
♐️ Sagittarius

Travel looks amazing for the energetic and fiery Sagittarius, April also brings a touch of the exotic into your soul as you get creative with your ideas and could even come up with a business that has success written all over it. Love will matter this month as you find common ground with a partner and realise you both want the same thing. As your family are close to you, it is important to include them in your plans when you are thinking ahead. All will work out well with your loved ones cheering you on and supporting your growing success. Well done you!
Lucky Colour Red
Lucky Crystal Bloodstone
♑️ Capricorn

Lazy days are a thing of the past as spring will certainly bring new challenges, but will also bring lots of rewards for your untiring, ambitious self. Being more of a social butterfly is on the agenda, all the new connections you make while being out and about will be guided by fate, to influence your life in all sorts of positive ways. Love brings unexpected surprises, so expect the unexpected to make you feel like you are on top of the world, you are able to be with the person you truly deserve to be with.
Lucky Colour Grey
Lucky Crystal Quartz
♒️ Aquarius

Adventure calls you Aquarius! The world is waiting for you to explore new places and meet new faces, destiny is bringing you out of your comfort zone and is designed to enhance your enjoyment of life. Work and life balance matter now as you are encouraged to keep up with your personal relationships alongside your career. You will be thinking about love a lot more and will find it exciting to be the centre of attention, a new-found confidence will help you feel emotionally free to explore your options and only settle for real love.
Lucky Colour Orange
Lucky Crystal Jasper
♓️ Pisces

Love and relationships feature a lot this month as you start to realise you are dealing with your soulmate. Pisces is the best at romantic pursuits and can intuitively know how to get what they want. If you continue to keep your heart’s desires within your reach, you will have a date with destiny this Easter and your luck will change for the better. The artist in Pisces is always bringing the best of themselves to the table and April proves to be memorable for your work in all professional matters. Take the lead and you will succeed.
Lucky Colour Cream
Lucky Crystal Moonstone
Words By Joanne Hope
Feature Image Gerasim Kutsaron