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6 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team August Horoscopes by Joanna Hope

6 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

August Horoscopes by Joanna Hope


July 23 – August 22

Leo the lion royal, regal and majestic, it’s time to show the world who you really are. Others look to you for your guidance and will reward you for your kindness. Status is bestowed on you as you increase your popularity with your never-ending good influence. Your career will go from strength to strength, so it’s time to take great strides and use that brave heart Leo is known for.

Love will be following you about, trying to capture your attention and show you who your soulmate is, so don’t be shy now and let them in. If you have a partner, you can secure the future if you go for common ground and realise you have so much more to do and explore together.

Lucky colour: Orange

Lucky crystal: Carnelian

Leo, Kylie Jenner


August 23 – September 22

Virgo – the fair Maiden, from her wardrobe to the car she drives, she’s always flawless and ready for action. Exciting developments and career prospects are in sight as you take a walk on the wild side and show everyone what you are made of. A willingness to take risks with your ideas gives you huge opportunities and takes you to the top. Mercury, your ruler, is giving you vocal power to speak your dreams into reality.

Love ignites your passions and causes a real upturn in events that encourages more commitment from your partner as they feel the warmth of your love. Dare to push the boundaries of your current situation and take your love life into a realm of romance and delectable delights – you won’t be sorry!

Lucky colour: Purple

Lucky crystal: Opal

Virgo, Beyonce


September 23 – October 22

Libra you are such a social butterfly this summer, you are the star of the show. Spread your wings and fly high to reach your full potential so you can soar to the top – it’s where you belong. Your charisma helps you impress those that matter most and, while you are modest about your achievements, others will promote them so look forward to your well deserved rewards. Love can take you on a magical mystery tour as you enjoy the attention of an enigmatic admirer, but curiosity will keep you wanting more. For those of you already committed, wallow in all the loving sentiment of a partner whose love for you knows no bounds. A summer of love is yours for the taking.

Lucky colour: White

Lucky crystal: Moonstone

Libra, Bella Hadid


October 23 – November 21

Scorpio, you are in the running for a top promotion as you have worked hard and are putting your talents to good use. Intuitive and very reliable, you are a perfect candidate as others look to you for guidance and direction. Your career benefits as you have walked a long road to success and never wavered; your excellent approach has not gone unnoticed. As the summer progresses, you are in the mood for love and are rewarded as your need

for security is met with a loving partner that lights up your days and nights.

Lucky colour: Gold

Lucky crystal: Topaz

Scorpio, Kendall Jenner


November 22 – December 21

Summer love always has a dreamy feel and you are in the mood for dreaming. Dream big are the keywords for you as you can achieve what you’ve always wanted with a loved one. A time for going out into the world and becoming what you were meant to be reveals a side of your career you might not expect. For the creative type, writing and publishing will feature more in your world as you find you never run out of ideas and leave people wanting more. You can be seen as extrovert and original so don’t be afraid to use your charm and quirky way of looking at things to bring out the best in yourself and everyone else.

Lucky colour: Red

Lucky crystal: Rhodonite

Sagittarius, Rita Ora


December 22 – January 19

Creative pursuits feature in getting you out and about meeting fabulous people who have a similar goal in mind. You can benefit socially from being in the right place at the right time. Your sense of a brilliant future calling is correct, a little of the avant-garde makes you a trailblazer in your career. Your love life becomes more enriching and you will have more time to nourish yourself and ultimately your loved one. As the heat of summer takes over, your passions ignite finding yourself in the mood for love and meeting your soulmate through doing what you love the most.

Lucky colour: Turquoise

Lucky crystal: Chrysocolla

Capricorn, Kate Moss


January 20 – February 18

Intelligent and beautiful Aquarius, your compassionate ways can heal the world and light the way. Your career will be your focus as you plan ahead and create a perfect working world. Love is going to be enlightening as you discover new depths in a relationship that transforms your life for the better as you develop a close and loving bond. Revitalise your aura in the summer sun and enjoy all life has to offer.

Lucky colour: Blue

Lucky crystal: Smithstone

Aquarius, Jasmine Tookes


February 19 – March 20

Dreamy Pisces, all your dreams can come true as you create a warm and loving environment wherever you go. Your career benefits from your determination to succeed as others flock to you to bask in the sunshine of your success. A time to dance and sing, enjoy the merriment that comes when you are surrounded by people living their best life enabling you to usher in the good times. Loving all that is meaningful in your love life takes you in the direction of your dreams with a beautiful soul as your partner. You can share your vision with your poetic heart and impress the one you love.

Lucky colour: Aquamarine

Lucky crystal: Larimar

Pisces, Rihanna


March 21 – April 19

Aries you will sparkle this month; your joy is expressed for all to see as you make progress in leaps and bounds.

Your plans to take the world by storm will be coming together nicely, you can relax and bask in the sun knowing you have worked hard.

Your love life will take a turn for the better as a special love interest will be giving you plenty of attention and indicating they want more.

Marriage features and you will feel like Cinderella getting the Prince as wedding bells ring with the sound of your soulmate.

Lucky crystal: Sapphire

Lucky colour: Blue

Aries, Lady Gaga


April 20 – May 20

You are in the mood for love Taurus and it is all around you. As the temperature soars so does your popularity; summer brings you meaning and joy. Happy times are in abundance as you make memories that can last a lifetime.

Your planning pays off as you mastermind your next step up the ladder in your career and important contacts approach you. Your spiritual sky opens up as you discover new ways to tune in to your higher self and follow your intuition. It will pay off in an unexpected good way.

Lucky colour: Pink

Lucky crystal: Rose Quartz

Taurus, Gigi Hadid


May 21 – June 20

Great things come to those who follow their heart and that is exactly what is happening for you, Gemini. The sun shines on you and brightens up your life with coincidences and funny experiences all designed to show you just how special you are. You are in a loving mood and the whole world lights up with your brave and compassionate heart. The healer in you comes to the fore and refreshes your outlook on life so you can move forward into the future feeling free to pursue your dreams. Mercury, the messenger of the gods, your ruler, has a message for you…

‘Don’t hold back’, ‘Don’t look back’ and keep your eyes on the prize as that golden ticket has your name on it.

Lucky colour: Yellow

Lucky crystal: Yellow Jasper

Gemini, Emily Ratajkowski


June 21 – July 22

‘Summer of love’ are the key words for Cancerians; your beautiful heart is big enough to love the whole world. That special someone will light up your days and nights and inspire you to create a happy relationship full of promise and hope for the future.

You are securing long term success for the future in your career and your path will be clear and rewarding as you make a lot of progress toward your goals and achieve TOTAL success. A high flyer, abundant opportunities abound and you are in demand, so fasten your seatbelt as you are quickly approaching the fast lane…

Lucky colour: Green

Lucky crystal: Emerald

Cancer, Joan Smalls

Illustration research by Samera Al-Sarouri

Graphic Illustrations by Luke Walwyn


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