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8 months ago, by Voir Editorial Team August Horoscopes With Joanne Hope

8 months ago, by Voir Editorial Team

August Horoscopes With Joanne Hope

♈️ Aries
Aries, bringing strength and leadership into your life can make the month of August a rewarding one. Power and success rely on completing one part of a project before moving on to the next phase, be clear on the direction you are taking and stride forward with your plans, as there is no stopping you now. When you live in the present moment and are more mindful of how your positive actions can impact your good fortune, you make a big difference and can be quite widespread in your popularity because of that. Let love guide you and lead you into a beautiful place of peace and tranquillity, the path of least resistance will lead to a lovely relationship blossoming. Wear white for luck and a white topaz crystal for love and harmony.

Lucky Colour  WhiteLucky Crystal  White Topaz

♉️ Taurus
This month will see you happy and content with life, August heralds the start of a new future, whether you are getting married, or making a serious commitment, in the long run, you will look back and cherish this time. Make a difference in your life and know it’s right to take time for yourself, learning the art of self-care pays dividends. Taurus is an earth sign, keeping your feet on the ground can be very helpful, literally taking your shoes off and putting your feet on the natural ground can earth, and energise you. Domestic life will improve and can bring you much joy, family happiness is the essence of your existence and means more than anything. Look forward to getting your ambitious plans in order and launching something specialised, something new. Wear green for luck and a jade crystal for increasing your fortune and love and compassion. 
Lucky Colour  Green Lucky Crystal  Jade 

♊️ Gemini
Believing in yourself this month will prove to be the best thing you can do Gemini, there is magic in the air and a force for good will prevail against any negative or difficult situations. Being your own best friend is a cliche but in the domain of the Gemini, having the sign of twins can truly symbolise that, you have the key to success within your mindset and you just have to use your intelligence and intuition to access it. In love, you can take a risk and get in touch with the one you love as communication will open the door to your relationship and give you the feeling you are loved. Wear blue for luck and a lazuli crystal for emotional healing, and mental clarity.
Lucky Colour   BlueLucky Crystal  Lazuli

♋️ Cancer
Beautiful aspects of your life are being revealed and will transform your future into something special, important changes come this month and will set the stage for the rest of the year. Enjoy your own energy and bask in the sunshine of self-love, there will be more than enough of your love and attention to share at a later date, but now is the time for you, it’s showtime! Faith in your love life, that everything happens for a reason, will help you understand that sometimes we are being protected, and even though we don’t understand why things happen that way, it’s usually for the best. Throw yourself into a romantic vibe and stick with it as nothing else but true love will do for you. Wear black for luck and a black quartz crystal for positive changes, protection and strength.
Lucky Colour   BlackLucky Crystal  Black Quartz

♌️ Leo
Happy birthday Leo, you are still being a light to others and setting an example as always with your inventive, creative self, showing off your talents is very important and will always be accepted in the highest of places, you are the royalty of the zodiac and deserve your place in the world and any rewards that follow. Hard-working and ambitious you can rise above any difficulties by engaging with higher creative endeavours and people that appreciate your special way of doing things. This is an amazing time for you, the forces that be will help you reach your highest potential and leave you feeling happy about your career. In your love life expect the unexpected, if your love life has been dull or moving slowly, there will be a lot of invitations and surprises this month. Meeting a compatible partner is high on the agenda and will prove to be a very smart move as you find yourself with someone you can share your life with easily. Wear orange for luck and an agate crystal for strength and courage, and keep a sharp mind.
Lucky Colour  TealLucky Crystal  Agate

♍️ Virgo
House buying or renovations will go well this month, acquiring the ability to make the most out of your imaginative designs and ideas will show you that you have a skill and an ability in this field and if you consider it professionally, you will do well. Not everyone has an eye for detail but Virgo is the go-to sign for details and perfection, with a natural flair for all things beautiful, it is a winning combination. Holidays, sun, sea and sand will do this month, even if you can’t get away for long, have a break and enjoy the sun, energise and rejuvenate yourself, there is more to life than just working, especially when you are as fun-loving as you are. In love, there is only one way you can be happy and that is to be with someone who truly loves you, believe that your time will come and don’t compromise your dreams, a relationship will develop at the right time. Wear silver for luck and a silver crystal for an understanding of the future, purpose and protection.
Lucky Colour   SilverLucky Crystal  Silver Crystal

♎️ Libra
The spiritual side of you is never too far away, your compassion comes from a place of difficulty from the past, knowing how another person feels and using empathy to help that person through, even if your experiences were more difficult, an angel comes to mind libra as you have a heart that is unconditional in its love. Good karma and plenty of luck will keep you busy this month, travel is encouraged and can prove to be a very exciting way of making time for yourself, and spoiling yourself with as much luxury as possible, you deserve it, you’ve earned it. Look to the future, but get serious about it next month, August is about being in the moment, appreciating your life and taking in the view, getting a little me time and relaxing as much as possible. In love, there is a serenity that will bring you joy in a way you can be happy with, achieving harmony in your love life is above all a blessing and you can rely on your feelings to show you the way. Wear Gold for luck and a goldstone crystal for luck and drive, also reviving the energy field. 
Lucky Colour  GoldLucky Crystal  Goldstone

♏️ Scorpio
Being a little bit undercover in your plans this month is good, the kind of ideas you have need protecting until you are ready to reveal them, if you are launching a brand or are starting a business be aware that original ideas are very precious, stay true to yourself and what you believe in, make sure you have covered all official bases before you begin and you will succeed and maintain your success for a long time to come. There is more to you than meets the eye, you are psychic and intuitive, with a gift for building an empire, taking yourself seriously will bring excellent results and with your warm and charming approach your popularity is guaranteed to grow over time. In love some revelations leave you wondering about a special someone’s intentions for you, love is blossoming and you can enjoy the attention and love they will give you, happy surprises are in the offing, and engagement or marriage is indicated. Wear rainbow colours for luck, and an opal crystal for inspiring love and passion, and hope.
Lucky Colour   RainbowLucky Crystal   Opal

♐️ Sagittarius 
The sun is surely shining on you Sagittarius, this month you can feel on top of the world and be at one with life and appreciate all the good times, changes are on the horizon, if you are moving home there is a sense it is meant to be, destiny seems to be helping you find your home and safe place, there is something quite special about it. Living in the fast lane for a time means you can have it all, taking action and knowing you were born to do what you do, a side of you that no one sees normally will be unveiled, a kind of Norma Jean becomes Marilyn Monroe moment, Feeling safe and secure, you can open your arms and welcome your people, those that believe in you, supporting the things that you do, inspired by you, quite the influencer!. In love there is a great chance for feeling loved by someone who cares, a real change of heart sees you going on holiday with romantic times spent together, feeling like you belong together, and a lovely relationship that is developing. Wear red for luck and a red garnet for passion, love, courage and physical vitality.
Lucky Colour   RedLucky Crystal  Garnet

♑️ Capricorn 
Lucky you Capricorn, the heavens are with you and good fortune will come to give you the best of both worlds. Your talents shine and your popularity soars, designing the life you want to live can inspire others to reach their potential too, setting an example to have the time of your life whilst being reliable and responsible is a winning combination and builds trust in partnerships and can create a very positive future. Laying the groundwork for something new will make you feel like everything will work out and be better than ever, and it will. You are always dreaming of the best love life and you can achieve your dreams, trust your instincts, love always comes from love, and if it’s real you will know, that actions speak louder than words. Wear yellow for luck and a yellow calcite crystal for love and happiness, joy and emotional well-being.
Lucky Colour  Yellow Lucky Crystal  Yellow Calcite

♒️ Aquarius 
You’ve been working very hard, so this month you can take in the sunshine and relax for a time, eat, drink and be optimistic for the future, you are coming into your own and can flourish with the opportunities that help to turn you into what you are meant to be…Successful!. Inner confidence can bring such a good feeling, you will encounter different types of people and can learn so much from them, watch your confidence soar as you discover how liked and appreciated you are, you have so much to bring to the table and certainly don’t underestimate yourself. In love, if you are single, there are opportunities for dating and realising exactly what you want. Connecting with your partner in a meaningful way will bring back to you tenfold all the love you have given them. Wear purple for luck and an amethyst crystal for dreams, wisdom of the self, and mysticism.
Lucky Colour   Purple Lucky Crystal  Amethyst

♓️ Pisces
Tuning in to your inner guides sets you right on track for relaxing and getting your head back in the game, there is nothing you cannot do when you put your mind to it. Encouraging you to be inventive and original in your thinking, August proves to be lucky for you, opportunities that are going to set you up in the autumn will be coming in fast and furious. The tide is turning in your career and makes a real difference to the choices you will be able to make. About love, translating the language of love can prove to be rewarding, that special someone will always love you for it, so speak the words of your heart and watch how fast things change for the better. Wear pink for luck, and a pink crystal for love, loyalty, trust and marriage. 

Lucky Colour   Pink Lucky Crystal  Pink Sapphire

Joanne Hope


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