As the most magical time of the year approaches, Joanne Hope gives us the rundown on what we can expect this December with our Horoscope readings. You can always book her for a personalised reading.
♈️ Aries

December brings the happiness you seek and is full of surprises, you can count on this Christmas being a memorable one. Loved ones are important now and in the future so get in touch and keep them close. Your love life will turn out well if you give just a little more time to it, Rome was not built in a day! You are a fire sign, so warm the hearts of those you love and see just how loved you are. Knowing that a partner will always be there for you is a must, and you will see their devotion to you this month, so happy days for the loved up Aries. Planning is important to achieve your career goals, spend some time to map out the year ahead and write down your new year’s resolutions in a realistic way, creating some harmony with your career plans. You are creative and somewhat temperamental, a bloodstone crystal will give you courage and a greater sense of self worth, wear something red to enhance your assertiveness and you will surely succeed. Wear something red this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Bloodstone
Lucky Colour: Red
♉️ Taurus

Relish in the fact you have worked hard this year and can now relax your pace this December, and enjoy a magical Christmas. The new year promises to be productive and satisfying, you can look back at all you have created and know you have put your all into it. Rewards come because you have shown sheer determination in times where someone else would simply have given up. Be proud of yourself and your achievements. If you want a deeper connection in love, Venus your ruler is on your side, make the most of this exciting time and book that holiday or socialise and let your hair down. If you work hard, then play hard, it is the perfect balance for you at this time. A good crystal for Taurus is Rose Quartz, it attracts love into your life, promotes emotional healing and brings inner peace of the heart and mind. Wear something pink this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Rose Quartz
Lucky Colour: Pink
♊️ Gemini

Be the life and soul of the party, there is lots of fun this Christmas as you enjoy the company of those you love and push the boat out to entertain friends and family alike. The domestic side of your life offers a lot of security, and stability, you can rely on this good fortune moving forward. Focus is the key to your work and career, taking care of the details is also important as you can be constantly improving your skills, and spending some time on organisational tasks are what keeps everything up to date and easy. The new year promises to be full of dreams coming true, In love you are optimistic and can really settle down into a secure relationship, the future is bright. A good crystal for Gemini is the Moonstone, it heightens your intuitive energy and helps to give you access to your higher self, your subconscious thoughts and ideas that you can manifest into success. Wear something white this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Moonstone
Lucky Colour: White
♋️ Cancer

Home is where the heart is for the domestic crab, this year you will have time to deck the halls and create a wonderful, happy Christmas, with your loved ones. December brings you inspiration and insight, your career takes off like never before, helping you to see all your hopes and dreams really can come true. Don’t be afraid to be loud and proud of what you have achieved, this is no time to hide your light, let it shine. The new year promises to be stimulating. Overseas connections promise to be lucky for you, with good karma attached. In love, although emotionally things can get complicated, unexpected events help you find your prince or princess and wedding bells for 2023 are not off the table. Falling in love with love, is always a beautiful experience. A good crystal for the lovable crab is the Ruby stone, in a wonderful way, it is known to bring love and happiness into your life. Wear something red this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Ruby
Lucky Colour: Red
♌️ Leo

Nobody does Christmas like you Leo, the royal lion pulls out all the stops and makes sure all that is gold and glitters is sprinkled on everything!. Good food and lovely presents warms the big heart of a generous and genuine lion. Loyal to the end your good nature will shine through in December and the good karma you have built up this past year will start to kick in as the new year begins. A brighter, better future is forming and you are at the forefront of a significant breakthrough. Time is a great healer and will show you that dreams really do come true, 2023 is the year for you to see your destiny revealed and a lucky major shift will take place, putting you right where you need to be. In love you will see a compatible partner who cares for you, and will love you unconditionally. A good crystal for Leo is Peridot, giving purpose and bravery, calm and safety, encouraging financial abundance too. Wear something green this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Peridot
Lucky Colour: Green
♍️ Virgo

The end of the year is always a time to reflect and enjoy the festive season, but Virgo will always start to make plans for the new year coming, regardless, getting ready to press the restart button and launch the new year with a bang. Dreaming big and having a great idea to put into action will express your ambitious thoughts about the future and give you the opportunities you seek. In love all you can ask for is awaiting you, if you open your heart and trust love is gentle, love is kind, you can experience the deeper parts of love in a relationship and take the long view, like raising kids, buying a house together or other long term investments that bring out all that shared love. You are the master of your fate and can direct the way you live now, trust in yourself to make the right decisions and see your choices for future happiness play out. A good crystal for you Virgo is Amber, it is a good luck talisman attracting love and friendship, and gives you that feel good factor. Wear something orange this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Amber
Lucky Colour: Orange
♎️ Libra

The kind and loving Libra will do well and be surrounded by lots of love this Christmas. A real softy at heart, those that love you will show you how much they care. The end of the year gives you a chance to wind down for a while and relax. Book that spa or spoil yourself with some pampering as it’s been a tough year, and you deserve some down time after all your hard work. Study will be factored in to the new year as you perfect your skills or retrain for a higher position, promotion is well starred, so 2023 is definitely a time to stretch yourself and come out of your comfort zone. The world is your oyster. A good time for love is indicated, sentimental gestures can win you over and before you know it you can be swept off your feet. Look out for coincidences that put you in the right place at the right time. A good crystal for Libra is Ametrine, it enhances your ability to think on a higher level, it brings about a balance of ying and yang, and is the best crystal for prosperity and manifestation. Wear something purple this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Ametrine
Lucky Colour: Purple
♏️ Scorpio

You are dynamic and ready to go Scorpio, when it comes to top ambitions you are going for gold this month, you are making lots of progress and so can confidently wind down for the festive season and end the year on a high. Enjoy Christmas and celebrate the new year coming in as 2023 will certainly show you lots of growth in the areas of your life you have been working on. The reality of life can be enlightening and because you are a realist, you can bring that sense of good experience to everything you do and see that your future sparkles. In love you will be appreciated for your beautiful soul and generous heart, life can reward those who are brave enough to love again and again. You have a lot to offer, pool your talents and be the best version of yourself. A good crystal for Scorpio as it enhances your talents and provides you with strength that can boost your energy levels. Wear something gold this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Pyrite
Lucky Colour: Gold
♐️ Sagittarius
Lifestyle is key to the stylish Sagittarius, December gives you a chance to show off your fabulous interior design skills, making a winter wonderland in your own home and wowing the neighbours. Your generous nature will be rewarded as you feel the love from those that show they are grateful that you, are you. 2023 will be a celebration you will not miss, it heralds a new year full of promising developments in your career and love life. Doing things you may not of contemplated before will bring a fresh outlook and begin a time of exciting experiences including some travel, all intertwined with your destiny. ‘Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage’ they say, this is a very significant year for you to fulfil a long held emotional wish and also make some good progress in your working world. A good crystal for Sagittarius is Black Obsidian, protective especially when you are on your travels, and helps you get in touch with your spiritual side. A very calming stone. Wear something black this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Black Obsidian
Lucky Colour: Black
♑️ Capricorn
Jingle bells all the way Capricorn, it’s time to get out of your own way and let yourself relax and enjoy this month. Work will have exciting opportunities as 2023 begins and what a productive year ahead you have. Moving home is well starred and in love, it seems making a commitment is also in the offing. A soulmate can be surprisingly intuitive to your needs so allow yourself to receive all that love that is waiting to be given to you. You can create a very stable foundation to your life, and that means more creative pursuits can be included and completed easily, natural talent is abundant with you, so hone in on those techniques and skills and see how others are amazed at what you produce. Consider opening a company or working for yourself, shrewd and businesslike you are at your best when you have total freedom and are left to your own devices. A good crystal for Capricorn is a Garnet, a powerful grounding stone, it heals pain and trauma and gives motivation for professional pursuits and helps you to complete projects. Wear something brown this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Garnet
Lucky Colour: Brown
♒️ Aquarius

December improves your luck and brings you happy times in love, and life, possibilities of a promotion come up due to your hard work and diligence, you can also relax and enjoy the festive season knowing you have done your best. Christmas is a time to let the ones you love know how much you love them, and allow them to show you just how much you are truly loved too. Make the most of the coming new year by celebrating this past year as you have accomplished a lot and are just at the start of a whole new chapter, bringing you fulfilment in all that you do. A good crystal for Aquarius is the Agate Lotus, symbolising spiritual enlightenment and growth, Agate energies give you grounding and stability so that you can keep your feet on the ground and the lotus symbolises a reaching to the sky, so reach for the stars beautiful Aquarius. Wear something blue this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Agate Lotus
Lucky Colour: Blue
♓️ Pisces

Magic is in the air, Christmas is just what you need, spending more time with family, enjoying the company of those you love, it is all you can ask to finish off a difficult, and challenging year. 2023 will offer you hope and a fresh start that you have been planning for a while, but now the timing is right, as you move into a wonderful new phase you can rely on your positive, powerful attitude to get you where you need to be, at the top. In love you will be planning a golden future and can fulfil your dreams by believing you are enough. Love of the self allows you to love someone else and be happy. A good crystal for Pisces is a yellow sapphire it is a stone for wealth and manifests success. Wear something yellow this month for good luck.
Lucky Crystal: Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Book Joanne Hope for a personalised reading.
Graphics By: Mia Washbrook