Brought to you by Joanne Hopes, here we have February’s horoscopes and lucky colours. So, with Valentine’s Day fast approaching read this article to make sure the stars align for you.
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After finding your feet last month, it’s time to get yourself connected. February is trying to tell you it’s time to put your plans into action as it will put your mind at ease. You can do it, Aries, you are confident and fabulous, take the bull by the horns, the world needs to see and hear more about you.
Talents are rewarded by material success and being original is a big factor. Love is always going to be on your mind, look forward to a special Valentine and take it easy, as you can’t hurry love! Wear your lucky colour, orange, for ambitious plans to succeed. The natural spirit quartz crystal, helps you with inspiration and creativity, also helps with concentration and aid’s spiritual growth.
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Crystal: Natural Spirit Quartz

You can do anything now Taurus, you have the know-how. February is a good time to be wise and practical in your day-to-day affairs. Use your good logic and know heaven will help you find what you are looking for. Happiness is on the agenda so make as much of it as you can and shake off the troubles of the world for a while. You have a very serious side and a lot of people don’t realise. It’s discipline and hard work that is the secret of your success.
So, take a breather when you can. You have a magnetic charm, it’s a good time to use it as Valentine’s Day will prove to be revealing- you can expect some romantic moments. Wear your lucky colour, white, for healing and luck. Merlinite is all about self-discovery and your higher purpose, it also awakens your latent abilities and talents.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Crystal: Merlinite

Exciting news as you start to realise you are more capable than you thought. A time of rewarding progress at work, you will really see the way ahead with clarity as February gets underway. Your ambitious nature will serve you well so stick to your dreams and seek out those that can help you, it is always when you least expect something to happen it happens! Your love life is the same, just when you are not looking all of a sudden, they appear!
Enjoy Valentine’s Day and enjoy being in love with love, there is nothing wrong with a little romance and dreaming a little more. Most importantly create moments that are memorable this month and capture them with photos or video if you can. Wear your lucky colour, Green, for luck with finances this month. Lemurian Jade helps with harmony, serenity, and balance, and healing.
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Crystal: Lemurian Jade

Living the life of a hermit is not for Cancerians this month. February proves to be constructive in your quest for success. Let everything come into view and allow the universe to flow its power of positive thinking through you. You are water ruled by the moon, the most romantically minded and family oriented of them all.
Saint Valentine is the perfect saint for you 365 days of the year, the ebb and flow of your emotions can be channeled into your romantic love life, as well as your creative dreams. Look out for opportunities that appear unexpectedly and know the universe has your back. Wear blue for spiritual assistance and the powers of a blue moonstone will act as a master healer bringing you calm energy in a very busy lifestyle.
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Crystal: Blue Moonstone

Changes in your luck will bring your plans successfully to fruition. All that hard work in the background begins to flourish, you have an inspiring story that will grant you access to seeing your most ambitious plans succeed. Guiding others is a natural trait for the ever optimistic, loyal Leo.
February will bring all sorts of surprises and can even spoil you. Your good deeds from the past brings good karma your way. St. Valentine has not forgotten you so get out and about, that magnetic aura you have will bring romantic attention your way. Wear your lucky colour, black, for power and strength, or Hematite, this is a crystal that will enhance your memory and encourages original thought- it will ground and protect you.
Lucky Colour: Black
Lucky Crystal: Hematite

Leap into the unknown with your fabulous personality, Virgo. This month sees you reaching heights you never thought possible. It is true to say Virgo is fussy but the perfectionist in you is built in and can never be tamed. All things that are bright and beautiful will be what you are creating- if you are moving, then it is likely you can now find your dream home.
Look at things in a practical way for work, you can do everything you set out to do, as long as you make the right decisions and choices that suit you, and what you do, as time is money. If you want more romantic experiences in your love life, be positive and receptive and let St. Valentine do the rest. Wear red for an energetic boost, or a faceted Ruby, bringing improved energy as it stimulates the heart chakra.
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Crystal: Faceted Ruby

Balancing out your work, and love life proves to be a step in the right direction Libra. Being a busy month for you, February is all about putting your plans into action, freeing up as much spare time as possible and enjoying the process of seeing your vision come to fruition. If you are traveling, stimulating experiences can actually change your perspective and improve your outlook.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and allow others to help you with their wisdom and experience- it will save a lot of your time. Your social life will prove fruitful and connections are on a basis of ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ right now. St. Valentine is an age old romantic so push work aside and let your inner dreamer out, use your imagination and the sky is the limit with what you can enjoy on a romantic level. Wear your lucky colour, turquoise, for good fortune and hope, and raw amazonite for good communication in your love life.
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Lucky Crystal: Raw Amazonite

Mysterious and captivating Scorpio, you will be feeling optimistic about the future and can relax knowing you have all that you need now to succeed. Go forward, you have come through difficult times, being courageous in the past, having faced everything head on. February brings a turning point, different opportunities are coming your way, putting you in a great place to really feel good, and get comfortable.
The world will open its arms to you, if you invite it in, so, don’t hide your brilliance and create something memorable. St. Valentine will shine his love light on you so put your sunglasses on, get in the mood for love and enjoy some romance. Wear your lucky colour, silver, for prosperity and wealth, and natural apophyllite for bringing in positivity and uplifting vibes.
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Crystal: Natural Apophyllite Pyramid

Being on the move comes naturally to the ever-seeking Sagittarius. You can be all that you want to be in your working world as others support you and will be by your side to make sure you succeed in your career. February can give you the boost you have needed in your love life as it’s time to celebrate and focus on your heart’s desire.
Romance is in the air so take a deep breath and focus on the good stuff, don’t worry about the future and be positive in the moment, there are opportunities to grasp happiness, make the most of them as that creates a lovely future. Wear your lucky colour, pink, for luck in love and special crystal danburite for spiritual vibrations, communication with your angels and guides, and sparkling love energy.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Crystal: Danburite

If life gives you lemons… you can turn it into champagne. The business sense you have will prove to be on point and work will go very well. Pluto is moving out of your sign over the next few months and has given you the monopoly on finances and work, as it moves into Aquarius it will bring you into line with humanitarian causes and charity.
Do what you do best, Capricorn, and keep your eye on the prize, but also giving back is crucial in the process. Valentine’s Day sees you putting your romantic head on and gets you in the mood for love. Wear your lucky colour, gold, for reaching your full potential and azeztulite is a crystal that promotes healing and helps connect with your third eye and higher self.
Lucky Colour: Gold
Lucky Crystal: Azeztulite

Spectacular start to the month Aquarius, you are ready full throttle. February will see you believing in yourself more and more and your birthday will just top it all off. Seeing how much everyone loves you will bring a much-needed boost. Hold your head up high and walk the path of least resistance, you have a real chance to ‘make it’ this year.
Pluto is coming into your sign and will affect your outer world considerably. It is a heavyweight planet and will show you the world through a different lens. For those of you who write, design, draw and paint, intuitive, interesting, marvellous, inspiring works can be produced, and will be productive. Wear your lucky colour, yellow, for mental clarity and intelligence and a raw yellow calcite for mental stimulation and spiritual guidance.
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Crystal: Raw Yellow Calcite

Think about your special spiritual side, and bring it to the world more. Pisces is the last star sign and has learnt many lessons through all the other star signs to get here and it’s a great time now to share all that wisdom you possess. Dreamy, yet sharp as a pin in business, you can truly find your calling this month.
For those born in February, happy birthday. Enjoy St.Valentines message about love and bask in the romance of it all. Dreamers by nature, you can win the heart of one you love by showing them just how much they mean to you- don’t hold back. Wear your lucky colour, purple, for spiritual assistance and enlightenment. Tanzanite can harness your inner strength, removes old energy and thoughts and also promotes spiritual development.
Lucky Colour: Purple
Lucky Crystal: Tanzanites
Words By Joanne Hope
Graphics By Mia Washbrook