American actress, author and businesswoman Gwyneth Paltrow has teamed up with Netflix to bring out an upcoming documentary series called The Goop Lab, based on her own lifestyle and wellness company, Goop. The series will examine in depth the various practices of energy healing, cold therapy, anti-aging, psychedelic drugs and how they impact different aspects of female sexuality.
The first trailer was released earlier this month, and promises glimpses into intimate scenes of experimental therapy sessions and spiritual awakenings for a number of women, with one of them confessing ‘I went through five years of therapy in about five hours’. This claim seems to reinforce Goop’s description on their company website which states,
‘We start hard conversations, crack open taboos, and look for connection and resonance everywhere we can find it.’
This six-part series, produced by Paltrow herself, is then shown to centre upon acts of transgression, namely female masturbation, exorcism and intoxication, and doesn’t seem to hold back on their meticulous treatment of these marginal topics and taboos.
The Goop Lab is set to premiere on January 24 on Netflix.
Words by Shir Ariya
Graphics by Katie Janes
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