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4 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team Here Are Our Top Piercing Trend Predictions for Summer

4 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

Here Are Our Top Piercing Trend Predictions for Summer

Photo Credit: @FKATwigs

We think we’ve all been pining for a change this last year. Whether or not you have googled how to cut your own fringe, pink highlights or ‘tiny tattoos’ there’s a chance you’ve toyed with the idea of a new piercing. Slightly less permanent than the latter, it’s a good option to revamp your look as we crawl out of the depths of the pandemic.

The impulsiveness of wandering into a piercing studio and getting whatever takes your fancy has been stripped away from us. Now, we are left with booking months ahead with a professional solo appointment, which, when you think about it, is no bad thing. This will give you weeks to think about what you want and will eliminate ‘piercing regret’ something some of us know all too well.

So, we’ve scoured the Internet and top piercing artists to see what they predict to be the next best and big thing out there. The general consensus is to opt for lobe piercings and not cartilage, due to mandatory mask-wearing that will go on until the end of the year. Lobe piercings are just easier to avoid when taking off your mask and heal a lot faster.

Constellation Piercings

These are gorgeous. Brian Keith Thompson, piercer and owner of LA’s Body Electric says these clusters of piercings will give you ‘instant gratification’ as you can get all of them at once. When it comes to the final look – placement and jewelry choice are important. Therefore, it’s ideal if you accidentally get a questionably placed piercing – just use a constellation to cover it up. 

Daith Jewelry

Daith Jewelry is also set to blow up this summer. The Daith piercing goes through the innermost fold of your ear, near the centre.

Huggie Hoops

Might sound strange, but the word ‘huggie’ just references tight-fitting, snug, or mini hoops for your ears. They look so pretty when stacked and are versatile – great to show off when throwing your hair up in the sticky summer weather.

Ear Asymmetry

Anyone with an abundance of mismatched earrings, this one is for you. Veer away from the traditional aesthetic and move to the mismatched side of life as it can give two different looks and make each side of your head unique. FKA Twigs and Jennifer Lawrence are big fans.

Words By Rosina Findlay


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