March 21 – April 19

Aries, as the new year gets underway, Mars, your ruler, makes you curious and energetic and gives you a helping hand to increase your energies which is a welcome boost after the festive season. As you look ahead to the future, luck is on your side and your path to success is an open road. You can increase your opportunities by showcasing those never-ending talents you possess. As your personal magnetism really begins to be recognized, you reap all the rewards with your impulsive and spontaneous action increasing your chances of success. You have an exciting future ahead in your career and your presence of mind enables you to make excellent decisions with the results being very satisfying. Love can be equally satisfactory if you are brave enough to wear your heart on your sleeve and fall in love with this giving love a chance to blossom. St Valentine is working his magic for you so if you were wondering about commitment, then it seems it will be knocking on your door allowing you and your special someone to plan for a happy future.
Lucky Crystal: Bloodstone
Lucky Colour: Red
April 20 – May 20

Venus is shining her bright morning star on you Taurus. A new day is dawning and it asks you to decide what you want and tells you to go for it. You can look forward to the next few months because as you start to materialize your dreams you will see the outlook is very favorable. Your actions speak louder than any words, exemplifying you at work and the time has come to take the lead by taking the reigns and steering your career in the right direction. Others can only follow you, so rely on your common sense because the only way for you, ambitious Taurus, is upward and onwards. So compassionate and loving, Venus, your ruler, is sending all her love to you with her influence taking you into the realms of beauty and love. As you have a sensitive soul this influence is perfect, bringing you a lot of fulfillment and a soulmate. Believe in the fairytale because dreams really do come true. Some surprises are in store showing you how much you are loved and admired and St. Valentine is sending his regards!
Lucky Crystal: Amber
Lucky Colour: Gold
May 21 – June 20

Gemini, your beautiful soul is awakening to a new year ahead and your great ambitious heart is guiding you to achieve success. Vibrant and enthusiastic, all those sacrifices of the past are paying off as you unhinderedly climb the ladder of success. Taking your career to a higher level, lucky coincidences are around the corner with fate working in synchronicity with your work to make sure of it. Face your fears and don’t let them overwhelm you and as you take the driver’s seat to enhance your financial world others will invest in you. You will be able to spend more time on your love life this year with your ruler Mercury, planet of communication, paving the way for you to concentrate on open dialogue about matters of the heart. Love begets love, as the saying goes and with St Valentine smiling on you, you have a whole lot of love to give and receive. With the mood set this year, you can open the door of possibilities and explore the power of love in your life and all it can bring for you.
Lucky Crystal: Aventurine
Lucky Colour: Green
June 21 – July 22

Cancerians, as you step onto the road of destiny and embrace your vision of a very bright future, look at what you are creating as there is a flamboyance fashioning your inspiration in a way that everyone can see and enjoy. Your success will be notable and you can rest assured you have done enough. As others discover the impact of your hard work, they can see a bright light shining out into the world and like a beacon of hope you empower others, giving opportunities to shine in a mutual spirit of cooperation. Nurturing is your second name, and this trait fares you well in your love life as you can be passionate and loving without reservation. Your love is reciprocated and validated, leaving you feeling lucky in love. You can reap the rewards all day long because romance is lasting so you can keep floating on cloud nine.
Lucky Crystal: Moonstone
Lucky Colour: White
July 23 – August 22

Initial success comes early for the hardworking Leo, with favorable returns in the offing, as the Sun, your ruler, helps you bask in the sunshine of success. Ambitious, unstoppable and inspired by the future, you can change the world and make a difference. The positive spirit of teamwork and the ability to communicate your vision, combines and produces the greatest rewards. New and wonderful things can revitalize your life. You can benefit from your never-ending faith in love and with your heart’s desire closer than you think, you can truly follow your feelings now because 2020 is your year. As you focus on increasing happiness in your love life, you attract a like-minded partner with whom you can share many happy times, as togetherness will be the key. Delight in your good fortune as your blessings increase. In the home domestic happiness reigns so take time for yourself sometimes, and look forward to a really great year ahead.
Lucky Crystal: Ruby
Lucky Colour: Red
August 23 – September 22

As 2020 gets underway your dreams and ambitions will be realized. A new era in your life is welcoming you, as a cycle of good fortune is on your side, helping you bring your plans to completion. A very big year is on its way for you, bringing transformation in your life as people with influence and power are at your disposal, focusing on you and inspiring you to help others along the way. The hard work and best wishes you receive give you a boost of confidence to move forward with your plans so go for it, Virgo, you have nothing to lose and everything is going in your favor. Your love life is important to you and as the new year gets underway you find yourself in a loving mood. The happiness that comes from a mutually fulfilling relationship is real as your destiny asks you to enjoy taking time out and making some real memories you can keep and share with your loved ones. If your love life has been dull and boring, as this year gets underway you are in for a great surprise. You are popular and in demand, looking amazing and feeling good so take your time and choose the one that is right for you, you fussy, creative and romantic, Virgo.
Lucky Crystal: Carnelian
Lucky Colour: Orange
September 23 – October 22

Libra, opportunities abound as you are sought after and can experience great joy in your self-development. Income is high on the agenda and valuing yourself is important, as this attracts the kind of business and finance that will yield gain, success, and ultimately victory. You have what it takes as you leave the past behind and your future is brighter as you receive praise and recognition for your work. Travel is featured and will bring you unexpected opportunities and success. Change will uplift you and the unexpected will occur to show you that challenges can be overcome, no matter what. Joy in your love life finds you and as you are swept away by the kind gestures of another, you can trust your instincts and allow your heart and soul to enjoy an abundance of love. Be magnificent and magnanimous in your demonstration of love and you will feel the warm embrace of loves sweet dream this year.
Lucky Crystal: Diamond
Lucky Colour: Gold
October 23 – November 21

Using your head over your heart, you can accomplish a lot in your career this year Scorpio. The intensity is increasing in the work environment and you are unstoppable in using your talents with great effect. You can see the future in a positive light and as your hard work pays off you are rewarded and appreciated. Looking ahead, leadership is the next step and as you climb to the top, you realize that dreams do come true, others applaud your efforts of determination, coupled with dedication, and sheer hard work. In your love life, you see that all of your aspirations and dreams are possible as the new year ahead reveals the bigger picture and you move into a beautiful phase in your relationship, full of happy times ahead. If you are looking for love this year, you are in luck as 2020 is one of commitment, so look forward to an unexpected meeting with that special someone as it won’t be long before St Valentine sprinkles his magic in your life.
Lucky Crystal: Onyx
Lucky Colour: Black
November 22 – December 21

For the Archer, creativity takes precedence and as you take this year by storm some plans for work and travel take precedence. You capture the mood of enthusiasm, as you inspire your colleagues with amazing ideas, confident in the knowledge you can achieve success. Teamwork is featuring largely early this year so you can continue to share your entrepreneurial spirit and enjoy an environment full of positive, passionate and supportive likeminded associates. Romantic times beckon you because as you have been working so hard, time for love has been scarce. You will feel happier as you can spend more time with your beloved as the one may already be planning romantic time away. Certainly, you are putting your heads together, building a golden future. Love will reveal a deeper understanding of what you really desire. You are sought after and popular but only ‘the one’ will capture your heart, so you can afford to be fussy to find fulfillment and happiness in love.
Lucky Crystal: Sapphire
Lucky Colour: Purple
December 22 – January 19

Feeling lucky Capricorn, you start the year with a great desire to fulfill your ambitions. Security is important to you and as you plan financially, it makes sense that you are expanding your horizons and planning for the year ahead. As you make these plans you come up with some real money-spinning ideas. The fantastic determination you show others serves as an inspiration and as those in power believe in you and your talent, they can assist you to get to where you need to be, making sure you are rewarded for a job well done. In love, your faithfulness is appreciated and your loyalty never waivers. Being understanding and emotional, you are longing for that special someone to share your life with and 2020 is going to deliver. A soulmate enters your life this year and you can experience the feelings of true love. Affectionate and loving, you realize the future you have been dreaming of will become a reality and as you build a relationship together, your future is happy and full of promise.
Lucky Crystal: Jade
Lucky Colour: Green
January 20 – February 18

Aquarius, the humanitarian side of you is welcoming all sorts of changes for the better in your world. As you continue on in your quest, you succeed in impressing important people with your innovative approach and ideas, harnessing the magnificent qualities you possess and capturing a brilliant future that allows you to achieve the great success you deserve in your career. The original thinker in you is constantly finding new ways to be constructive and as you apply this methodology, powerful solutions arise and others will invest in you and your expertise. Love is steady and enduring as you start the year full of excitement for 2020. Your plans succeed on the home front and with improvements you make have a lasting effect, you and your loved ones can look forward to expanding and benefiting from these beneficial forces throughout the year. As love rewards your loyalty, you can look forward to being appreciated for your devoted and affectionate self. Your partner is proud of you and will take every opportunity to show you off. If single, you can relax knowing you will find love because your compassionate heart and good looks will win the attention of admirers so you can take your time to date and find the right person for you. This year is your year for happiness.
Lucky Crystal: Amethyst
Lucky Colour: Purple
February 19 – March 20

Your career is taking you beyond the realm of the norm and into a creative phase full of promising opportunities that bring prominence to your position. The potential this year is enormous and you can take your dreams into an arena that is guaranteeing you achieve and reach successful financial targets in your business or career. Everybody wants you on their team so enjoy your popularity as you stand out from the crowd and are competitive in your ambitions. Your followers will increase and you can be certain there is success ahead. Beautiful and emotional you are a dream to date and as your love life is thriving, you are the belle of the ball. Floating on a reverie of delectable delight, love rewards you for your unmatched sensuality and sense of fulfillment expressed from your heart. Through sharing your happiness, you receive tenfold what you give out and your popularity soars and you can settle down knowing this is the start of a whole new future. Your love life is full of hope and your cosmic order of true love arrives Pisces.
Lucky Crystal: Aquamarine
Lucky Colour: Green
Words by Joanna Hope
Graphics by Aamir Potrick and Séverine Denis-Lessard
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