It’s the 1st of June, and summer is just around the corner, so psychic Joanna Hope is back with her predictions for this month, and they look optimistic. In honour of Pride month, we’re also celebrating some of our favourite LGBTQ+ icons.
♈️ Aries

You always bring the sunshine with you Aries, your energy is buzzing with optimism for the future and it spreads to those around you. The summer months herald a time of rejuvenation and renewal in your life, giving you the power to transform and create what you wish, so you can follow your dreams. Unexpected meetings, new friends, and also new career opportunities will be happening all around you, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself in popular demand. Stand up for what you believe in and have your voice heard, endeavour to expand your creative world, it can propel you into seeking more education and knowledge within your chosen field – it’s your time to shine. Love comes and sweeps away any uncertainty, opening your heart and bringing happiness in ways you never expected. There is an old saying “love begets love” and in your case this is very true. Jupiter is in Pisces and will help you heal any past hurts or make it easier to let things go. The good fortune attributed to Jupiter and dreamy Pisces, gives you a love that just keeps giving, a really special person. Lucky you.
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Crystal: Faceted Ruby
♉️ Taurus

The summertime asks for you to try the new and untried Taurus, your influence is impressive and expanding due to Jupiter acting as your best friend, bringing blessings within your professional world, and with a solar eclipse in Gemini this month affecting your financial affairs in a very positive way, you’ll start new routines and plans surpassing even your own expectations. Lady Luck could have a lot to do with it as fate is certainly wanting you to succeed, Mercury rules Gemini and has the ‘gift of the gab’ helping you say the right thing at the right time, so it’s definitely a good time to put yourself forward and bask in the limelight. Love brings you all sorts of exciting experiences, attracting the kind of partner who can show you the world and share your life with you. If you are dreaming of holidays in the sun, your wish will come true as you set your sights high for the ultimate blissful environment, watching the sunset and meditating on how good life can be. You have come a long way and it’s only when you take a good look at it all, that you realise you have chosen the right path, surrounded by all the people and things that you love and that bring you happiness, collectively moving into a happy, secure future together.
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Crystal: Angelite
♊️ Gemini

Embrace the summer months and make the most of nature and your outdoor pursuits, there is a strong sense of grounding from this, you will feel more energized and in love with life. It is important to focus your energy in the right direction so practising meditation or yoga will help keep your positive vibrations flowing and your confidence will also soar. Express your inner light as it attracts a lot of positivity, and all of your connections will be more loving and nurturing. A self care routine is certainly in order as you can carve out a routine that works for you and keeps you feeling more balanced and healthy. Your career will take a turn of events that lead you to promotion and will improve your overall prospects for success. Being true to yourself and following your own path whilst speaking your truth will get you everywhere, words have power, so self expression is key. You are such a sensitive soul and so it’s difficult to trust, but you can trust the love shown to you, it is real, all the actions taken with your best interests at heart will prove that to you, the path ahead in a relationship is going to be a secure and happy one. You have so much to share, all of your intentions are pure and will help you breakthrough any initial difficulties, and it is purely because of this approach that fortune will smile on you.
Lucky Colour: Indigo
Lucky Crystal: Sugilite
♋️ Cancer

Your higher self is calling you to act for your highest good, this will create balance in your lifestyle and includes a lot more nourishment for the soul, this can only benefit and strengthen you, as you can enjoy and truly love and appreciate yourself. You’re here for a reason and all of your life lessons are designed to help you discover your purpose and meaning, after all, cancers are designed to feel everything, making you an excellent compassionate person, and a fairy godmother that helps those in need. This summer is all about getting what ‘You’ wish for, whether material benefits and physical luxury are on your mind, or having that special someone who comes along and sweeps you off your feet, you are sure to benefit and feel satisfied that a long-held dream is coming true. The bigger picture emerges and you can see all the wonderful elements come together like a kaleidoscope of dreams, your influence will be reaching far and wide, leaving a trail of glory in your name. It is only until we see what we have manifested that we can truly take a step back and see how far we have come, you have truly come a long way, and this summer is going to prove to be a turning point for you in your life, one that you will look back on and remember with a smile. Important connections, places, and people will keep popping up or appearing, remember everything happens for a reason and don’t underestimate anything, you never know who is going to surprise you. One thing is for sure, the right people will stand out from the crowd and you will know 100% who is moving forward with you. Live the Dream. Make it great!
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Crystal: Malachite
♌️ Leo

The fast-paced Leo is on the move this summer so others will have a hard job keeping up with you. New doors open and all the universe is asking of you, is to be ready and embrace your destiny and take the opportunities that present themselves to you, because this is a time of hope, joy and celebration. The Sun is your ruling planet and bestows you with the power to improve and grow, one way or another you will become more successful, as you are capable of much responsibility. You may find yourself taking on bigger and better projects, as well as helping a lot of people along the way and by using your organisational skills, you can pull off even the most complicated task. A welcome break is in the offering, so don’t forget to plan as it is good for you to take time out and relax, the combination of the sea and the sun really energizes your soul so try to go for this type of break. When it comes to love, It seems that love’s young dream is going to be making an appearance, so hold on to your ideals as your perfect match can share the same philosophies and way of life, you may find a lot in common as if you’ve known each other before. The summer is all about commitments whether in love or work, but there is one thing for sure, it’s a new dawn for you, and a new day that heralds a fresh outlook on life and love, bringing much satisfaction and fulfillment.
Lucky Colour: Gold
Lucky Crystal: Golden healer quartz
♍️ Virgo

Use the beautiful power of your ruling planet Venus to enhance your life, Virgos are blessed with impeccable taste, you find taking care of yourself and the home during lockdown was worth it, leaving you feeling more attractive, confident and at your best, so enjoy these moments as you deserve to be happy. The stars will align and concoct the perfect setting for love, and the true intentions of your other half you will not leave you disappointed. Venus is the goddess of love she knows what she’s doing! You will be feeling empowered as you work through any changes with ease, between the fulfillment of your personal love life and balancing your work life you can achieve a harmonious and tranquil, but exciting and productive life. Your good actions prove you are not just a pretty face and earn you an honorable position in your career. Making a lot of headway, encouraging circumstances, and a dab of luck, will improve your chances for success, don’t worry about what other people think it is important to think for yourself and trust your gut instinct. You have a fine eye for details and won’t miss a trick, and for those of you in charge, this is a very helpful disposition. Enjoy the summer days as much as you can, the temptation to be a workaholic Is great but you deserve some time to let off steam and relax, it will make your work even better than before being at your most centered, and furthermore, a well-deserved break or two will lighten the mood and put you in touch with your feelings rather than just logic, remember all work and no play is not recommended, so have fun, relax and enjoy.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Crystal: Rose Quartz
♎️ Libra

Libra you are the life and soul of the family, your company is sought after by many but meeting up with friends and relatives always grounds your soul, so make the most of the summer months and enjoy a time of celebrating who’s important to you, giving or accepting invitations will bring much happiness. A light hearted approach to planning eventful days will only benefit you, you have the key to open the door to real life experiences that can gladden the heart, and uplift the spirit, it’s just what the doctor ordered. The future is full with opportunities for the clever Libra, whilst building a bright successful future not just for you, but for those you love, the more faith you have, the more successful you will become. Kind and generous people are drawn into your world so you can relax and have others play a supporting role in helping you achieve great things, they will all celebrate with you in the end. In your love sector you won’t have to look for romance, it will find you, being at one with yourself attracts an independent partner, someone you can move through life with who loves and adores you, the summer months will be full of coincidences, bringing to you the sweetness of love and life, it’s like literally hitting the jackpot and being showered with blessings. Enjoy this wonderful time of renewal you’ve earned it.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Crystal: Snow Quartz
♏️ Scorpio

There is a beneficial greater power at work in your life, call it coincidence but the angels are beckoning you to see the spiritual power reflected in your life, kids, pets, your home, family, all-loving you for who you are and wanting you to be happy, and successful. Try taking an inner journey to discover all the good things about yourself and you will realize you are super special with qualities that everyone loves you for. Write, paint, create music, your summer nights can be filled with positivity and laughter when you channel your creativity and let others enjoy it too. Celebrate life in good old Scorpio fashion, your spiritual power is growing and attracts many interesting people that share your values and outlook on life. In love you are the jewel of the house, the world evolves around your domestic life so your traditional approach to love is always best. ‘If it’s not broke don’t fix it’ is the saying that describes the way your life is going now, so be aware and don’t change anything unless it is needed, then you will enjoy what you already have, the hard work has been done in the past, now all you need to do is keep up the good work and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Happy days!
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Crystal: Citrine
♐️ Sagittarius

Brighter days are here again, and you will thank your lucky stars for everything that has worked out to be a blessing. You are in the mood for love so an existing partnership will go from strength to strength as you are completely committed with all of your majestic, loving self. Love can be all that you expect it to be, a loving partner is priceless and all the love you share will stand the test of time. For those of you looking for the one, a summer of love is predicted, so be optimistic. In your career it is time to market yourself, write a blog, or set up your website and use the power of social media to get noticed, it’s a fortuitous time for you, the summer months will highlight and encourage everything you do. Interesting developments attract friends to rally round you and become involved in your projects and plans. Home life is expanding for Sagittarius and becoming more beautiful and luxurious, you certainly have a great eye and knack for interiors and design. Travel is possible now and it will be beneficial, you are all about adventure so follow your imagination and pick a place that is closest to your vision, then plan ASAP!
Lucky Colour: Black
Lucky Crystal: Tigers Eye
♑️ Capricorn

Capricorn power is at its best as the summer takes over, enjoy all the freedom the good weather brings and get out there, you’ve been missed! A new social scene can open up for you and romance is well starred, you may reunite with an old flame or what started as a friendship can turn very quickly to love because you are so compatible, any commitment you make will be crowned with success, so get your thinking cap on and create some good times you can treasure. You are the workaholic of the zodiacs so any time spent off is a blessing, but will fuel your work decisions with clarity so you are well placed to succeed and have a balanced outlook. Your career is ever important to you and any business you have will flourish, your actions are decisive and you will definitely give your competitors a run for their money. Keep your own counsel as you alone understand where you are going and where you have come from, there is no one better qualified in knowing how you want things to be. Having a very modern approach will showcase you and your work in a light that brings the very best attention from important people to you. You are an unpredictable power Capricorn and you may just surprise yourself yet, don’t underestimate yourself and truly see you have made a huge contribution to others welfare over the years, now, it’s your turn to shine, the dark days are over, you can relax, knowing it’s the start of a whole new great chapter for you.
Lucky Colour: Purple
Lucky Crystal: Purple Fluorite
♒️ Aquarius

Focusing on where you are going now is an important subject to explore for the Aquarian, although life can sometimes be confusing it can also be most memorable and rewarding. The heavens above want to grant you a wish and so you will find the influences around you will prove to be very favorable and extremely helpful with what you want to achieve. The emphasis is on finding the right path so you can reach fulfillment and purpose in your career, don’t be afraid to take on the future with a courageous heart and a positive outlook, as in the end your influence will be felt far and wide. You are smarter than you think and far more capable than most, use that knowledgeable self and show others what you are made of, you and they will not be disappointed. Being confident about your love life also brings you unexpected rewards, knowing what you want really helps you get what you need. You are the centre of attention, whether you like it or not, it is no time for seclusion, so make the most of the long summer days spending time with your loved ones, enjoying as many outdoor pursuits as possible to create the experiences and memories you’ve been dreaming of during the long winter lockdown. Your lovely sense of humor can change everything and is wanted and needed by others who may not have your positive outlook on life, sharing your kind, thoughtful self, will help others immensely. If you are thinking of going into the performing arts industry you would be amazing, just step out of your comfort zone and the rewards will be great.
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
Lucky Crystal: Blue Lace Agate
♓️ Pisces

Good things come your way Pisces, even though there are many demands on your time you can achieve your goals with lightening speed. Your career goals are reachable so don’t doubt your own judgement, you know what you are doing, by listening to your higher self you can only be wiser, so use that wisdom when making important work decisions and there will be no regrets. It’s the best time for go getting, so grab those opportunities as they arise. Love and contentment is your fate, you have learned powerful lessons and are now ready to communicate your feelings without reservation, a well earned happy future beckons you in love, so keep moving forward with your plans and it is yours for the taking. You have a natural intuitive self and must always listen to that gentle inner voice, although others may not always understand you can see what others cannot, they will soon come round to your way of thinking when they realize you are 10 steps ahead of everyone else. Being confident in what you do and say makes the world your oyster, and you can truly benefit from applying all that intuitive wisdom in your daily life. Dream the impossible dream and all things become possible for the visionary Pisces.
Lucky Colour: Pearl
Lucky Crystal: Apophyllite
Words By Joanna Hope, Graphics By Emily Chapillon