Coming into March, the year is now in full swing and spring is about to begin. Psychic Joanna Hope delivers your predictions for the upcoming month.

♈️ Aries
Lucky Colour – Orange
Lucky Crystal – Carnelian
As spring is on the way, you will find it is a powerful time for you Aries. You can use the skills you have been practising and start to apply your knowledge to help others. If you are considering a career change anything to do with wellbeing, health or beauty would suit you down to the ground, it’s as if you acquire a new direction and your instincts keep guiding you along the way. Ever impulsive, being spontaneous can really reward your faith in love, ‘renewal’ seems to be your keyword this month so if you are thinking of contacting someone you like but are hesitant, remember being the compassionate one really suits your nature. The loyalty you share with another will give you what you want from your relationship and will significantly improve your love life.

♉️ Taurus
Lucky Colour – Black
Lucky Crystal – Tourmaline
Fabulous describes the mood this month as you start to see the results of your creative endeavours, it’s time to put your best foot forward to figure out the best way to do things. Go big and go large Taurus, as you plan the future you can succeed by being ambitious and different. Rome was not built in a day but you can achieve the goals you have been working towards this year. When it comes to love, take your time as it will always find a way to bring you what your heart desires, just trust the universe has got your back. Soulmates are hard to come by but when it is written in the stars it is always meant to be.

♊️ Gemini
Lucky Colour – Green
Lucky Crystal – Jade
Gemini, your dual nature can show you what is great within yourself and can reveal more of your purpose to you. Knowing yourself well will always help you to stay strong so it’s important you prioritise self-care and take time for yourself. Pleasant surprises are in store when you focus on your dreams aspirations, and others can help you to achieve them this month. Don’t be afraid to talk about commitment as it will be the next step for a relationship you have been wondering about, you are loved more than you know, all you need to do is ask and you will receive. Love will be more exciting as you seize the day and enjoy the springtime weather with romantic walks in the park or planned time spent outdoors, it really creates a stronger bond.

♋️ Cancer
Lucky Colour – Silver
Lucky Crystal – Moonstone
Forever the entrepreneurial spirit, new ventures will help you to take your career to the next level this month. As others may try to go in a different direction, you know the secret of your success is your original way of doing things, so don’t change now. Seeing your vision unfold in all its glory will bring you satisfaction and will keep you inspired in the coming months. Family and friends will be a source of support while you dare to be different and will have a lasting impact on your career. Don’t worry about your love life as the timing has to be right for commitment, there is no rush. For single Cancerians, admirers will make themselves known to you, so you can decide if this will be the time to begin a romantic journey.

♌️ Leo
Lucky Colour – Purple
Lucky Crystal – Amethyst
Royal Leo, your crown is waiting, you have been working towards a better future and the stars are asking you to embrace your efforts and realize you have done enough. Projects suddenly become more viable, others come around to your way of thinking and as the springtime beckons, you can look forward to a much more progressive month. Jupiter is expanding your opportunities, providing you with everything you need to succeed, so be alert. Leo is naturally destined to be at the top, so it is not the time to hide your light. As your love life is looking up you can rest assured you have the green light to pursue happiness, enjoy your popularity and make good choices that improve your future prospects and help you find fulfilment with your dream partner.

♍️ Virgo
Lucky Colour -Pink
Lucky Crystal – Rose quartz
With a great sense of purpose, you are unfazed by any restrictions from the past and look towards the future for rebuilding. In the long term, people view your powerful leadership qualities as second to none. You are no stranger to making changes that implement progress, so you are well placed to seize the day. Your cool approach will calm any difficulties and bring out the best in yourself and others, a raised awareness of what people need or want can help you with success. Let love in as it’s time to relax and enjoy the little things in life, hold hands, show your affection, as a sense of solidarity in your partner can make you feel secure.

♎️ Libra
Lucky Colour – Blue
Lucky Crystal – Topaz
As March sets the pace for your career with further opportunities coming your way, don’t be afraid to take some chances as luck is on your side. Thanks to your hard work you are now well placed to use the energy you have been storing in a life-affirming way. The perfectionist of zodiacs, everything you do is detailed and refined, no wonder you are sought after and headhunted for work. Keep it up and you will go far this spring. A real union develops and sparks hope that your plans for settling down are now underway and you can be confident you have the right partner. To do well in your life be honest with your own heart and follow it.

♏️ Scorpio
Lucky Colour – Gold
Lucky Crystal – Citrine
Travelling overseas is featured in your career path, and right across the board acts as a real catalyst to success. The extent of your actions are far-reaching and there is a heightened demand for all of your skills. Entering the picture are individuals that will assist you in ensuring your plans succeed with an overall strategy. You will see this month helps you make a lot of headway with your plans and offers you more stability, so continue to pay attention to signs that you have been working on the right stuff and are still on the right track. If you believe in love now is a good time to bring out the romantic side of yourself, dream a lot and be adventurous in how you truly see yourself and the role you play in a relationship, it will do wonders for your self-esteem and give you much more confidence in an equal partnership.

♐️ Sagittarius
Lucky Colour – Yellow
Lucky Crystal – Amber
Energetic and vibrant, you bounce back from the winter with much positivity Sagittarius, nothing can stop you, the ‘great archer’, from hitting your targets now. With an overall planned approach to the future, you cannot fail. Your success is increased and you can reap the continued benefits. Your ‘getting on with it’ approach makes you a big performer right across the board, so you can also take the praise – the sweet sounds of success are well deserved, so enjoy. Your love life will be just as successful, what you put in, you get out, it is so important to listen to your heart and follow the path toward your dreams. Make it happen!

♑️ Capricorn
Lucky Colour – Red
Lucky Crystal – Ruby
You are now in a fortunate position – gone are the days of uncertainty, you can once again begin to make plans and follow your dreams. Never a quitter, Capricorn is notorious for long term goals and can truly manifest what is in their heart. Reliable, respectful and professional you are an asset to anyone’s business including your own! Expansion happens when you are ready for growth and with all of your ducks in a row it is coming fast and furious. Be ready for your own success and use it as a platform to share your wise mentoring with all. You have a great opportunity with your love life options – being very much in demand you can call the shots and decide who, what, where, and when – it’s good to be in the driving seat this month. For those who are already settled, just enjoy your relationship dynamics and know you are loved.

♒️ Aquarius
Lucky Colour – Pearl White
Lucky Crystal – Quartz
With Jupiter in Aquarius all year, you have a fabulous combination for a successful career and love life and will reap the rewards of the compassionate, humanitarian Aquarius sign. A nurturing partner and an ever-expanding career are written in the stars. This month will take you out of your comfort zone and demand you grow and despite teething problems will help you become a great success, it’s looking up from here on in. Be kind and ambitious all at the same time and it’ll be a win, win combination all the way. Investing in your future will always be worth it, you are worth it!

♓️ Pisces
Lucky Colour – Aquamarine
Lucky Crystal – Aquamarine
Not only is it your birthday month but a meaningful one in so many ways. There is a determined effort to bring all of your aspirations to reality and you will have opportunities to do that. Keep the momentum going as you will be doing a lot more than you think and will be actively engaged in making progress, no pressure! All of your creative pursuits should be revised so you don’t leave anything out, and you should be more forthcoming with presenting your creative ideas, as they are more valuable than you think. Ever the dream lover, Pisces is an all-out romantic soul, and with the right partner can truly show us all how romance and style can be combined to make the perfect love match or power couple. Be brave and take a chance on love, you deserve to be happy.
Words by Joanna Hope, Graphics by Victoria Zhao