With the beginning of the zodiacal year approaching on March 21st, this month is an exciting time for the zodiac calendar. Mothering Sunday allows us the chance to embrace love and gratitude, whilst Spring allows us to freshen up our lives. Read on to find out what the universe has in store for you this month, courtesy of Joanne Hope.
If you would like a more in depth look into what the stars hold for you, you can book a a reading here.
♈️ Aries

March is a time to bring your excellent energy forward and uplift those that you care for as this will certainly help them to overcome obstacles and also reminds them they are not alone, and with just a little bit of help from you, they can step up to the challenges they are facing! Aries is a warrior at heart and has traits that make people feel very safe in their company, so you can be a light and strength that is reassuring to others. Now, just let love be your guide, and if you are in doubt just go with the love!
Lucky Colour: Azure Blue
Lucky Crystal: Diamond
♉️ Taurus

Speaking your truth is a very good way to forge ahead in your career this month. If you believe you are capable: you will be! There is no room for doubts, as the positive effects you have on others can easily be seen and heard. Taurus is simultaneously powerful and kind, so share your brilliant ideas and see the power of Venus (your ruler) in full effect. The bringer of beauty and love will improve everything you can think of, including your love life. The benefit of being you and sharing your whole self is that you become a light to others, and can uplift them in a difficult time. So, well done you, Taurus!
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Crystal: Opal
♊️ Gemini

Boost your confidence, Gemini. It’s time to bring your personal power back on course by recharging your inner batteries this month. You can get the best out of your life through meditation or writing things down that are bothering you, enabling you to release the past and bring you into a more grounded now. This will also help you to break free from any fears you may have, so you can truly see that you are more than capable no matter which life path you choose. You are ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods, and are capable of inspiring others with your words, and now, more than ever, they are needed! So go for it, and don’t hold back!
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Crystal: Red Jasper
♋️ Cancer

Nurturing your mind, heart, and body can be the key to stability this month of March as you are functioning on a higher level. Take time to refresh your energy so you can get out there in your working world and achieve something great. Also as considerate as you are, allow yourself the time to let love into your life, as to receive it is a part of nurturing the self, not just giving it. So let it pour in, and truly feel the love, as it’s all designed for you to realise you are truly loved and appreciated! As mothers day is looming try to tune into the mothering part of yourself, as it’s always there for you to draw on and share with others.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Crystal: Diamond
♌️ Leo

Your cosmic order is being delivered, as the proud big-hearted and generous Leo, endeavours to improve life this month. It certainly pays off, as you turn a corner and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially in work and your relationships. So, be ready to put your ideas into action and see the magic happening! You will also attract the attention of someone who wants to love you, so don’t be surprised. You had better hold on tight, as you can be swept off your feet with this connection. Love is kind, love is giving, the natural mothering instinct in you is to protect, so enjoy the love Mother’s Day brings as you have earned it.
Lucky Colour: Gold
Lucky Crystal: Citrine
♍️ Virgo

Expect a lively month, Virgo! Keeping your wits about you will allow you to be on the ball and ready for any challenges you face at work. You will always help others, and as this month brings back unexpected blessings like a boomerang, it reminds you that your kind heart and deeds are remembered, and not in vain, as they come back tenfold to reward you. Being in the right place a the right time opens the door of love for you, and all you have to do is walk through it, and the blessings will flow.
Lucky Colour: Azure Blue
Lucky Crystal: Topaz
♎️ Libra

You will be pleasantly surprised at how successful your work can be when you put your mind to it. New prospects arrive, and help you to become aware that you can push the boundaries and try something new and more fulfilling. Also, if you want your love life to be more meaningful, just finding new things to do and coming out of old routines means you can share your sense of adventure with a partner, and improve your relationship. This prospects for a long commitment, that makes you happy and content with your lot in life.
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Crystal: Citrine
♏️ Scorpio

Psychic Scorpio, your instincts have been guiding you for a long time and now you can justify these feelings by showing an enormous generosity to others as you bring help or aid just at the right time. Being intuitive is not always a bed of roses, but now it is needed more than ever, as you can stay true to yourself and know others will see your wisdom and want or need more of it. Love is your compass and will show you the way to a more positive and emotionally fulfilling path in your love life.
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Crystal: Tourmaline
♐️ Sagittarius

Responsibility will follow you about this month, and you will be able to assist those that need you, but make sure there is some time for you to reflect on your plans and make adjustments as you need to. Sagittarius is known to be swift, so use this energy to improve things as your speedy actions and reactions can make a difference to what’s happening daily in your life, as well as the lives of others. You can make your future what you want it to be when you trust yourself completely! March is the month that celebrates the mother, so because nurturing and caring is high on the menu, take in all that lovely energy and let your spirit soar.
Lucky Colour: Brown
Lucky Crystal: Tigers eye
♑️ Capricorn

Welcome the good energy flowing into your life, allowing yourself to more satisfaction at being able to get ahead and find a more stable happy balance in your life. You are a rock to those that rely on you, and now, more than ever you are needed with your good old fashioned brand of down to earth solutions to highly complex problems. March will see the Capricorn helping others strive to reach their goals and true potential, and as fortune favours the brave you are well placed to be confident and courageous in coming to the aid of the weak and oppressed. Love will always guide you to do the right thing, so all you have to do is listen to your heart!
Lucky Colour: Black
Lucky Crystal: Tourmaline
♒️ Aquarius

Keep smiling and keep your sights on manifesting your goals, as you have what it takes to successfully achieve them. Although we live in uncertain times, the humanity you show to others is second to none, after all, you are the humanitarian of the zodiac and your insights are needed now to bring hope and unconditional love to your world and the world around you. Love will drive your soul and will guide you to find the happiness you seek and share it with others.
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Crystal: Carnelian
♓️ Pisces

You’re amazing, Pisces, as you can see immediately what needs to be done. This month you can help others with your intuitive gifts, whilst also following your dreams. The future is shaped by experiences and events that will support you in your endeavours, so being true to yourself is the key. As love drives you on and is the fuel you need to keep improving your life, spread all of the love you have to give to others, and also take time to enjoy the love that is coming back to you, as blessings built up in the past return as some good karma for you now.
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Crystal: Moonstone
Graphics: Gerasim Kutsarov