For all those growing out their hair during this lockdown, I’m sure you have come to notice that your split ends have grown out too causing some strands to break off since it has been almost two months or more since we have seen our hair stylists or had a salon appointment.
So how can we prevent your split ends from getting in the way of your hair growth without sacrificing the length of your hair? Let us introduce you to micro dusting the non-hair cut you need to keep growing your hair healthy.
Micro dusting popularly known as surface cutting is the cutting your split ends along the hair strand. We call it the non-hair cut as compared to a regular haircut micro dusting does not sacrifice as much length.
So how can you, micro dust or surface cut from the comfort of your own home. First, we advise that if there is even a small chance for you to go to the salon and have this done professionally do it. Second, if you are going to do it at home, we suggest asking someone else to help you as they have a better view of your head.
Split Ends Hair Hack for Removing Damage Without Cutting Off Length | Sam Villa Hair Tutorials
Now that we disclaimed the main causes of at-home hair disasters here is how to micro dust from home
1). Grab your tools
The reason we recommend this method is because it does not need a lot of tools All you need is a paddle brush, fine-tooth comb sectioning clips and a pair of hair scissors
2). Brush your hair
Before you do anything, you need to ensure your hair is dry with very little product and brushed out using your paddle brush to get rid of any knots you may have.
3). Section your hair
After you have brushed out all your knots section your hair using the fine-tooth comb and comb through the sections.
4). Tuck and Micro dust
The final step is to grab a small portion of hair, comb it through using the fine-tooth comb and tuck it between your first three fingers. Bend it over your middle finger and cut the hairs that stick out. Do this along the strand of your hair in every section.
How To Get Rid Of Split Ends — Dusting Vs. Trimming | Hair.com
Words by Precious Njoki
Graphics by Katie Janes
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