Brace yourselves as a lot is coming your way in the month of October. There is no doubt to expect the unexpected with the month ending and closing (October 31st) on a full moon which only means one thing. This is a firey month with a lot of exciting things to look forward to.

A full moon in Aries at the start of the month will be bringing luck to your side, turning the tide in your favor, allowing you to positively impact who you love and care about. Remember at work to be flexible as it serves you well, others rely on your quick thinking and positive outlook in these unprecedented times, you are like a light in the dark. It’s a great time for conceiving great ideas and launching new projects. The new moon in Virgo on the 17th heralds a great time for conceiving ideas and launching new products.
Lucky Colour – Green
Lucky Crystal – Aventurine
Taurus ♉️

A great time for a little application of TLC on your wonderful self, ultimately you may have experienced many changes as a result of the pandemic but you can only benefit now from the time of Libra, you are both ruled by Venus bringing a most beneficial, beautiful power that’s moving in your life, influencing your love life and lifestyle changes. The new moon in Virgo on the 17th helps you to dream a little, its good for the soul.
Lucky Colour – Rose Quartz
Lucky Crystal – Pink

You’ve only just begun to see all the good consequences of your strength at a time of uncertainty Gemini, a new way of thinking has been born out of your circumstances and you can envision a more optimistic future. Concentrate on finding the right balance between work, rest and play, as the new moon in Libra this month helps you to spruce up your love life. Big decisions are likely and more commitment is on the table.
Lucky Colour – Red
Lucky Crystal – Jasper
Cancer ♋️

Beautiful dreamer, the full moon in Aries on the 1st, kick starts October for you, it will affect your love life, bringing major decisions you’ve been hoping for, fine-tuning your plans ultimately bringing you closer together for a better future. Work waits for no one as you will be busier than ever, the new moon in Virgo on the 17th helps you organise your working life and clear the decks for greater things to come, there is no stopping you now.
Lucky Colour – White
Lucky Crystal – Moonstone
Leo ♌️

Happy go lucky Leo is in a prime position to grasp opportunities for happiness thanks to the full moon in Aries on the 1st. Your partnerships prove fruitful, your friendships are meaningful. This year may have had its challenges, but as the new moon in Virgo on the 17th will bring in balance and sort out any red tape in your life bringing your plans to completion so you can prosper. Everyone is relying on your strength so have a little ‘me time when you can and also a little luxury couldn’t hurt.
Lucky Colour – Gold
Lucky Crystal – Tigers eye

Romance comes into play as the new moon in Virgo on the 17th highlights all that you hold dear. Sentimental and nostalgic, you can take a little time to relish in your accomplishments of the past, and also look forward to new ways of doing things in the future. Concentrate on your dreams as the full moon in Taurus on Halloween can herald a whole new time of exciting projects and prospects.
Lucky Colour – Green
Lucky Crystal – Amazonite

It’s your time Libra, you can make the most of this part of the year as the restructuring going on in your life is for the greater good. Everything happens for a reason and it’s difficult to see the bigger picture, just hold on as the new moon in your sign on the 17th shines the spotlight on your life and ambitions, you will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, you are unstoppable. Sweet fragrances, crystals, music, relaxation, all needed to enhance your energy.
Lucky Colour – Lavender
Lucky Crystal – Jade

Career driven Scorpios will know all too well the path of flexibility at work, don’t worry if lots of changes are occurring you will see it all turns out for your greater good. Everything you do has meaning and you are loved for this trait. The new moon in Libra addresses partnerships so make time for love and don’t hold back. Concentrate on what you do want, and not on what you don’t want and watch your dreams manifest.
Lucky Colour – Blue
Lucky Crystal – Obsidian

The keywords are ‘teamwork’ this month, as a natural leader others rely on your sense of being able to make everything alright, using your very clever, ingenious plans to overcome difficulties. The full moon in Aries on the 1st is like a best friend turning up, helping you in your endeavors. Your passion will be leading the way to success in your love life and career so believe in you and nothing can stand in your way. The full moon in Taurus falls on Halloween and will highlight this month’s triumphs for you, so let your hair down and feel the love.
Lucky Colour – Purple
Lucky Crystal – Amethyst

Love is on the menu as the full moon in Aries on the 1st highlights a compatible partner.
The ever consistent Capricorns down to earth loving approach is appreciated by others and you can be assured you have the capability of being steadfast in adversity when the going gets tough… Onwards and upwards the sturdy mountain goat climbs, reaching the top is always the goal and the new moon in Virgo on the 17th will enable all your plans to proceed with the grand finale being Halloween, there’s a helpful full moon in Taurus influencing your ambitions to ensure your success.
Lucky Colour – Black
Lucky Crystal – Onyx

Inspiration comes for the deep thinking Aquarius. You are not a stranger to spending time alone gathering your thoughts, the full moon in Aries on the 1st pushes you out of your comfort zone to create ideas that enhance your skills and abilities. Use this unprecedented time to reflect on what you really want to do in your career. Your love life becomes pleasing and amicable as you move into a much more intimate stage In your relationship. Soul mate alert.
Lucky Colour – Orange
Lucky Crystal – Garnet

We all need an emotionally intelligent Pisces around, home is where the heart is and the bold full moon in Aries on the 1st brings exciting times and plans for the future. Stay active and the results speak for themselves as you inspire others with your get-go attitude and inventive ideas at work. Enjoy the magical Taurus full moon on Halloween, try hosting a party online to celebrate those you love, they are relying on your creativity and sense of fun! Your sensitive nature attracts the right partner and love becomes a steady force in your life, making you feel loved and secure.
Lucky Colour – Yellow
Lucky Crystal – Agate
Words by Joanna Hope
Graphics by Lucy Gifford