Day 1: I’ll wash it tomorrow.
Day 3: It still looks good no need to wash it.
Week 1: I heard not washing your hair is good for hair growth.
Washing and styling hair has always been a task but now that we don’t have to, it may have been a while since you last did. No worries, we don’t judge but just because you haven’t washed your hair doesn’t mean you have to look horrible during your morning video call. Here are hair accessories you can use to glam up your unwashed hair and a hat is not one of them.

For a fast get your hair together look, I recommend easy to put on and take off head band. The headband is sure to hide your greasy hair by pushing it back. They come in different shapes and looks from the classic elastic I don’t want any hair on my face to the more glamorous velvet sleek my hair back. This recent runway trend will leave you looking glam effortlessly.
Hair Clips

Hair clips have always been the accessory to add a little glam to your hair or pin it down into a certain style, but these are not the old plain ones of your childhood. The recent trend in hairclips has brought us clips with sassy words jewelled on them and nothing says Work from home like a hair clip that says ‘BOSS’ on it. For a more elegant hair clip, another trend that has been seen all over social media is the trends of pearl and marble hairclip. These hair clips provide a more subtle glam look.

The tried and true trick behind hiding unwashed hair that has proved useful time and time again is tying your hair up. Luckily scrunchies are back and fashionable as ever. From top knot and the tight knot to the messy ponytail and the loose ponytail tying your hair up has never been easier so grab a scrunchy and tie it up and enjoy another day successfully avoiding your hair.

Tying a headscarf around your head is no longer an indicator of a bad hair day. Now that the headscarf trend is seen more and more outside the comfort of your own home and sometimes on the runway and cover of magazines. The headscarf has transformed from an indoor staple to a staple into the cool laid-back fashion look. For a more of an effort look, you can use the scarf and braid it into your hair or tie it into a ponytail.
Words by Precious Njoki
Graphics by Katie Janes
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