Brought to you by Joanne Hope, we have your August Horoscopes and the must-have nails to bring luck your way:

August has a host of blessings in store for you Aries, cherished hopes and wishes come to fruition and you can take delight in them. You are in increasing demand and people that are connected to your destiny will play an important role in your career. Although normally duty comes before pleasure, you can relax as you have done enough to earn this time to yourself and can enjoy all the good times ahead with a lot of love being sent your way. Love may be uncertain but the soul of romance shines brighter in your life than ever before, so remember to make the most of the magic moments ahead.
Wear yellow for luck and enlightening experiences and a Dumortierite crystal can help things blossom and brings your goals to fruition.
Lucky Colour Yellow
Lucky Crystal Dumortierite

August highlights your inner potential and enables you to achieve a high level of efficiency bringing very productive results for you Taurus. It’s true that travel broadens the mind, widening your horizons now enriches your life and brings experiences that are memorable. Things run smoothly in your career and luck is on your side, opportunities for promotion abound as you are well placed to successfully achieve your goals. Love can be rewarding, your sensitive side shows and your feelings will take you and a partner by surprise. Romance matters, it is worthwhile making the effort.
Wear white for luck and get a Quartz crystal as it will supercharge your energy.
Lucky Colour White
Lucky Crystal Quartz

Personal power oozes from you in August Gemini, your positive attitude has impressed everyone and respect for your dedication is evident coming in the form of rewards and bonuses, you deserve to treat yourself this month as embracing your successful triumphs and celebrating them brings you a lot of happiness and satisfaction. Love is making mischief and wants you to find out what makes a potential partner tick, don’t be surprised if an admirer unexpectedly appears and wants to give you a lot of attention. Manifesting what you want in a relationship can imply a lot of trust and that takes time so patience is key now.
Wear red for luck and passionate love, and Jasper to bring nothing but the good things into your life.
Lucky Colour Red
Lucky Colour Jasper

Being incredibly busy with all work and no play can this month, at least for a while, will ease off, take time to plan your break as being in tip top condition is a prerogative, the stars are heralding good luck as everything aligns and conspires to get you on the right path to the top of your career, so don’t worry, August helps you to see that your future is bright and can bring all kinds of opportunities and happy surprises that you never expected, designed by fate to reveal your purpose. In love you have a choice to make, events unfold and reveal a secret crush, and also a proposal you receive is worth thinking about. Follow your inclinations and listen to your heart as your connection grows stronger.
Wear blue for spiritual love and get a turquoise crystal for loyalty in love.
Lucky Colour Blue
Lucky Crystal Turquoise

The royal Leo time is here, August sees you celebrating your birthday and being happy with your life, it’s a time of progress and success as a predictable aspect of security appears in your life bringing you long lasting stability in your love and working life. They say some things are written in the stars and as you have followed your good heart in the past you will realise kindness has been your greatest currency, rich in this knowledge you can benefit from all the lovely relationships that have flourished because of you, as now it’s your turn. Dream big, have fabulous thoughts, and bring your A’ game as the world is just waiting for you to fly.
Wear purple for luck and enlightening spiritual thoughts and an amethyst crystal will help to enhance your love life.
Lucky Colour Purple
Lucky Crystal Amethyst

August proves to be enlightening for you Virgo, there seems to be magic in the air and a very feel good atmosphere is all around. If you continue to forge ahead with your plans and give love a chance you can really make the most out of life now. Settling down and making a family may well be next on the agenda and you are more ready than ever. When you have good intentions and a clear vision of how you want life to be anything is possible. The right path career wise will open up and you will end up right where you want to be, there is success and good fortune ahead and all you have to do is have faith in your abilities. There is nothing that you cannot do if you put your mind to it, so it is important that you focus your mind and trust your own instincts when it comes to the big choices.
Wear pink for luck and glorious success and a diamond will act as a dream maker bringing you happiness and fulfilment.
Lucky Colour Pink
Lucky Crystal Diamond

The steps you take to success this month will put you in a strong position and will open the way for you to succeed in your chosen career. Knowing when to act and when to wait is an old tactic but it works in your love life, you will benefit from retreating just as much as coming forward. You are a compassionate soul so anything you do is for the greater good of someone you love so rely on your feelings and let your heart lead the way. Things can move quickly in August so if you are moving it will go smoothly and it will be even better if you are moving in with someone special. Bringing more of your love of home comforts can influence and encourage emotional security and stability now and keeps stress at bay, as they say your home is your castle and helps you feel safe, so rejuvenate this area of your life like a Picasso painting.
Wear black for good luck and a tourmaline crystal for protection of you and your plans.
Lucky Colour Black
Lucky Crystal Tourmaline

Summer always brings you to life Scorpio, you can rely on your own inspiration to seek out the best life had to offer and whatever you want to experience now is possible because you have earned the good karma to have it. Rely on your sense of humour and light hearted attitude so that whatever happens you don’t get bogged down in other peoples drama. Giving yourself a chance to find your happiness will be a great success and puts you on the right track. With work changes looming, you are in for a time of growth and abundance, this kind of change is usually written in the stars and can often put you in the spotlight. In love you benefit from practical choices that illuminate the reality of what you really want from a partner, if you are decisive and demonstrate your vision it is more likely they will go along with it.
Wear silver for spiritual love and a moonstone crystal will enhance your love life and brings spiritual blessings.
Lucky Colour Silver
Lucky Crystal Moonstone

The sunshine is definitely very bright in your world Sagittarius, family means a lot to you and can be a source of never ending joy and comfort to you, so don’t be surprised if you are celebrating good news soon and as a spin-off find out you are loved more than you ever knew. Travel is indicated and whether for work or play it is fortunate and can bring many good things. Make the most of August as it resonates with your warm bright personality and attracts a lot of other warm bright people in your life. In love you will be spending more time with someone special and there is no reason for you not to, don’t feel guilty if you have to refuse other invitations as you want to develop your love life then so be it.
Wear gold for good luck in love and fools gold for attracting more security and wealth in to your life.
Lucky Colour Gold
Lucky Crystal Fools Gold

Delightful activities are on the horizon this month Capricorn, you can get access to the best times and enjoy all the benefits of the good connections you make. Being active and out and about can truly make your dreams come true, any niggling doubts will disappear as you let the universe lead you to a place of harmony and love. Wishing you can have your life together with that special someone is not a pipe dream but realistic now. Beautiful things come from beautiful thoughts and your prayers are answered when Lady Luck comes knocking on the door, lighting up your life with elements of beauty and even bringing the feel good factor to a relationship, when coincidences happen, fate acts so you can see why things happened the way they did, as everything happens for a reason.
Wear orange for ambitious plans and an Opal crystal will bring clarity in your love life.
Lucky Colour Orange
Lucky Crystal Opal

Enlightening times for you Aquarius, change is inevitable and can transform your situation for the better. Don’t be afraid to come out of your comfort zone and bring a lot of your ideas to the table. August brings you a personal freedom that makes you feel you can do anything, the angels are certainly with you as you will see when you are feeling happy and blessed. This is a time for action as you will see positive results, you’re potentially on the brink of an important breakthrough in your working world. Realistic opportunities are there for the taking and begin to materialise a long held dream of yours. When love comes knocking on your door, open the door, it is a great time for love prospects and romantic endeavours.
Wear teal for luck and an agate crystal will clear any obstacles in your way.
Lucky Colour Teal
Lucky Crystal Agate

Lovely aspects of your life can be celebrated every day in the little things you do for yourself and others. Your creativity knows no bounds and can include all sorts of collaboration to bring exceptional results. Taking your talents to another level can open doors to all the right people that can help you realise your dreams. This month it is a great time to take a relaxing holiday and at the very least some kind of break, recharging your batteries is just as important as using them!. Don’t worry Pisces your luck is changing for the better in love, your expectations can take you to the heart of the matter as fulfilment of what you desire is possible now.
Wear the colour aqua for luck and an amber crystal for creativity and lasting positive relationships.
Lucky Colour Aqua
Lucky Crystal Amber
Joanne Hope