As the UK begins to enter week four of lockdown, the initial novelty of life at home is starting to wear thin. We thought we’d seen it all: the infamous Flip The Switch challenge, a copious number of Banana Bread snaps and a bunch of A-list celebs crying into their cameras about the hardships of life under lockdown from their luxurious mansions. Insert an unsympathetic emoji.
But no, the next internet challenge has arrived and it’s come in a bid to keep fashion alive despite these unprecedented times, say hello to the . Now hear us out, yes it might sound slightly…odd but this challenge gives our loungewear a well-deserved rest, I don’t know about you but my bras are beginning to acquire a thin layer of dust, hey, I’m not complaining. The best part of this challenge is anyone can do it, all you need is a pillow and a belt, colours and styles chosen by you. The method of creation is simple: pop a pillow on the front half of your body, wrap your chosen belt around your middle to keep it in place and voila! Your is complete! Easy, stylish, chic. You are welcome. All you need is a pillow and a belt, colours and styles chosen by you… So what are you waiting for? Get moving up those stairs in lightning speed to create your own pillow dress. Whether you’re a pastel patterned person or prefer a bold print, we guarantee your pillow will be an online sensation. Just don’t forget to hashtag your picture with for everyone to see.
Words by Grace Dembowicz
Words by Katie Janes
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