Interview by Pippa Simmonds
Sophia Hadjipanteli is the founder of the #UnibrowMovement, and is on a mission to make sure every single one of us feels like a superhero. She tells Pippa Simmonds exactly how she’s doing that…

It’s impossible not to feel inspired during a conversation with Sophia Hadjipantelli. Inspired to do what I’m not quite sure, but she radiates a kind of positivity that you don’t expect from an actual, real-life person – especially not one who’s been on set all day. She’s the model you almost definitely recognise, namely by her signature monobrow. Listening to her talk in detail about, to use a tired phrase, her journey to self-love, is quite fascinating. She is a real-life person, and she oozes a confidence and likeability.

As if Sophia couldn’t be any more optimistic about life in general, she is an outspoken supporter of Joe Biden and the Democratic party, so is obviously ecstatic about the recent election results. “I am just so happy that we now have a President elect that looks at different demographics of people and doesn’t want to divide us. We are so much stronger together, and polarising people only makes each person weaker.” She describes her childhood in Annapolis, Maryland as a ‘double-edged sword’, having been relentlessly bullied for most of it. The bullying wasn’t a reaction to her monobrow, which nowadays it often is in the comments below her photos on Instagram – most of which have tens of thousands of likes. Most of them read: ‘beautiful’, ‘you are my idol’ and ‘I don’t think u understand I am OBSESSED!’, but sadly the odd hate comment is an occupational hazard of being in the public eye, and the presence of a monobrow on Sophia’s face doesn’t help. People aren’t used to seeing it, and apparently some don’t like it. The thing about Sophia though, is that she doesn’t care. She likes her eyebrows. Even if some people dislike them so much, they send her actual death threats.