Brought to you by Joanne Hopes, June’s horoscopes are full of knowledge, with their lucky colours, as well as crystals; everything you need for a celestial month can be read below.
♈️ Aries

Time to rise and be mighty Aries, June brings you a better sense of humour and a real sense of freedom in your life, a good path that leads to glorious success and helps you put any difficulties from the past behind you. Be controversial and original in your creative pursuits and others can witness your amazing character and multi talented self. Love is on another level as you start to realise your dreams and can bask in the sunshine of loves young dream. Wear blue for spiritual love and a dumortierite crystal is believed to be a stone of self-reliance and discipline. It is credited for promoting insight and aiding memory.
Lucky Colour Blue
Lucky Crystal Dumortierite
♉️ Taurus

It’s all about the journey not the end goal at the moment Taurus, June shows you how far you have come and rewards your hard work. Surprises in your career can put you right where you are meant to be, don’t underestimate fate and fortune, it is influencing your path and is on your side as your destiny awaits. Love is another matter as this month you can capture the heart of one you admire and can look forward to seeing a dramatic change for the better. Wear yellow for a strong mind and a yellow diamond crystal will give you a powerhouse of energy. It is a stone that never has to be recharged. It will provide strength and endurance.
Lucky Colour Yellow
Lucky Crystal Yellow Diamond
♊️ Gemini

Realise your dreams Gemini, exciting times are ahead bringing out your adventurous side, overseas is featuring heavily in your chart so if you are taking a job or even going on holiday abroad, the world is at your feet and you can take advantage of that. Go with the flow and tune into your intuitive side, words of wisdom will help you navigate the way ahead. In love you can take chances and still be the belle of the ball, an unexpected encounter can change your mind about what you really want. Wear pink for romance and a pink diamond crystal can accentuate femininity and romance, often used as symbols of tenderness or sweetness, and gracefulness and elegance.
Lucky Colour Pink
Lucky Crystal Pink Diamond
♋️ Cancer

Bring your imagination into your daily life and career, be creative, this month gets you up and running and helps to make your dreams come true, your all important goals are reachable and the power of now is influencing your destiny. Feel good about yourself in all that you do, you have a big heart and a whole lot of love to give, one beautiful day in June can make it all happen and will give you the fresh start you have been waiting for. Wear white for purity of intention and a white aragonite for White aragonite can be a great crystal for peace and wisdom. They are mostly known for their calm and stabilising influence and naturally encourages clarity and understanding.
Lucky Colour White
Lucky Crystal White Aragonite
♌️ Leo

A spiritual spring clean is the best thing for you Leo, you can cleanse old patterns of thinking that belong to the past. Your experiences have made you into what you are today, so you can learn from any mistakes made and put to rest any difficult times, as your future is looking very bright now. June releases your good karma and gives you a leg up to the next level. Make the most of this exciting time and bring in the summertime with a big smile on your well deserving, beautiful, Leo face, as love brings you happiness in an unconditional way. Wear black for power and a black tourmaline for protection and grounding. It’s a go-to stone for protection and shielding and the removal of unwanted energy.
Lucky Colour Black
Lucky Crystal Tourmaline
♍️ Virgo

Rebellious creative pursuits make you unique and interesting, standing out from the crowd you can make an impression and achieve the recognition you deserve. What is going on in the inside is your inner child asking you to let go of difficult experiences and live in the now happy and fulfilled. Set your targets and go all out with your ideas as it really matters that you communicate and make a statement. Good luck can turn around any situation and being lucky this month is what you are. Wear silver for and a blue kyanite crystal will open the throat chakra, encouraging communication and self expression. It cuts through fears and blockages, helping to speak one’s truth. It is very useful for public speakers and performers as it strengthens the voice and heals the throat.
Lucky Colour Silver
Lucky Crystal Blue Kyanite
♎️ Libra

Here comes the summer Libra and love is in the air. June is a month where you can follow your heart and let your passion guide you. Getting married, moving home these are well starred in this beautiful month of June. It’s a great time in your life, a real turning point. Be a team player and let others help you to bring to life a project that is close to your heart, your good wishes can make dreams come true. You are super creative and cool, and if you believe in your talents and collaborate more it will be very rewarding. Wear rainbow colours for creativity and will strengthen spiritual healing and connecting to your angels and guides.
Lucky Colour Rainbow
Lucky Crystal Angel Aura Quartz
♏️ Scorpio

Finally getting ready to go to the ball Cinderella? Your fairy godmother will make sure of it, fate will step in and help you achieve that ultimate goal all you have to do is share your talents and be confident in your self. The developments that occur in June will put you right where you should be and others will offer to help along the way. Remember what you don’t have today could come tomorrow. So have faith that everything is going to work out well and get excited as you have a great month ahead. Love will remind you to express your feelings and don’t hold back, it’s time for you to be happy in love. Wear purple for spiritual strength and a purple agate crystal for calming and soothing and can dispel fear and impart courage, increasing self confidence.
Lucky Colour Purple
Lucky Crystal Purple Agate
♐️ Sagittarius

Domestic goddess that you are Sagittarius, it’s time to throw those dusters down as a well deserved break is in order. Think about your holidays and leisure activities, working on the future is important but remember even though there are challenges in life there is nothing you cannot overcome. A united front at work helps keep team work smooth and is instrumental in getting you the promotion you deserve. June can introduce more romantic endeavours in your world and puts you in a positive position leaving you feeling optimistic and happy. Wear orange for ambitious plans and a min orange carnelian crystal for friendship and happiness, enjoyment and family unity, physical pleasure and sensuality.
Lucky Colour Orange
Lucky Crystal Orange Carnelian
♑️ Capricorn

June brings you unconditional love Capricorn, being a practical sign it’s time to get more creative with your life and try new things. Outside influences come and bring you options that are more adventurous and take you out of your comfort zone. It’s a good thing and will happily surprise you, music, art and the good things in life connect you with important people that can change your life for the better. Love will naturally follow as the more happiness fulfilment you feel the more you can share your life with another in a deep and meaningful way. Wear red for passionate love and a pink howlite crystal for alignment with the heart chakra, it has a calming energy and brings peace, helps us let go of anger, resentment and negativity.
Lucky Colour Red
Lucky Crystal Pink Howlite
♒️ Aquarius

Take a deep breath and relax Aquarius, it is high time you thought about yourself and what you want to truly do with your life. You have a wonderful outlook, so couple that with a totally positive mindset and life will certainly improve to take you on a journey of self fulfilment. This month will lift you up and help you see anything is possible, there are no obstacles in your way. Love matters and patience is your strength now. You can be very understanding and know it’s only a matter of time before you settle down and so in the meantime it’s good to explore what makes you happy. Wear green for luck and an emerald crystal is a life-affirming stone, it opens the heart chakra and calms emotionally difficult situations. It provides inspiration, balance, wisdom, and patience and promotes friendship, peace, and harmony.
Lucky Colour Green
Lucky Crystal Emerald
♓️ Pisces

It’s time to let your hair down and be the mermaid you are Pisces. Ruled by the moon who guides the tides, emotional matters of the heart will be in focus this month, your feelings will be known and this can only be good as it will bring certainty into a relationship and capture your hearts desire. Look ahead and plan some leisure time as happy times come easily when you are in a perfect setting and laughter is definitely the best medicine for stress. Work will be satisfying as you reap the rewards from your past efforts and can achieve anything you put your mind to. Wear turquoise for luck and an aquamarine crystal will help you gain insight, truth and wisdom can calm the nerves and anxiety or fear.
Lucky Colour Turquoise
Lucky Crystal Aquamarine
Words by Joanne Hope
Header Graphics by Magdalen Manning