It was a normal day in isolation when a New York photographer decided to shoot the roofs of his neighbouring buildings from his balcony. It was also another normal day in isolation when a girl, tired of her days blending together while sitting on the couch, decided to go onto her roof and learn the choreography of the high school musical song, ‘We’re All In This Together’. It is then that Jeremy Cohen the NewYork-based photographer spots Tori Cignarella. Fascinated by her Jeremy decides to shoot his shot – writes his number on a piece of paper, attaches it to his drone and fly it towards her. “Text me,” the note said and so she did.The recent Corona outbreak has swept the world at a devastating speed forcing most countries into a nation-wide quarantine to prevent the spread of the virus and protect their residents. This quarantine has also left many of us craving human interaction more than ever before. So, when Jeremy Cohen sent out his drone to connect with the girl from across the street, what followed became a viral sensation of a traditional meet-cute.Later for their first date, Jeremy surprised Tori with a dinner date at the roof of her building. The only catch was that he was in the building across the street with a similar set up on his balcony and thanks to facetime they managed to have a successful date. For their second date, Jeremy decided on a face to face meeting hoping she wouldn’t pop his bubble. Tori was surprised to see Jeremy in a human-sized plastic hamster ball with flowers and the luxury gift of hand sanitiser. Adhering to the social distancing rules they managed to have another successful dateTheir whole love story was filmed and posted on the internet and as we all know if you don’t post it, did it really happen? A reflection of the social media generation that shows just how far Man will go to find love even in an isolated place. So, if you can’t get a text back, he is probably not the one for you.
Taken from Jeremy Cohen’s Twitter account @jerm_cohen
Words by Precious Njoki
Graphics by Katie Janes
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